1/n The Chinese experience with COVID has handed the world a DOUBLE whammy. A thread:
2/n The FIRST whammy: suppression of information within its own bureaucracy. Hundreds of thousands people escaped Wuhan before quarantine was imposed.

Face-saving social behaviour propagated this - it has been compare to Russia’s Chernobyl.

Much has been written about it.
3/n The SECOND and BIGGER whammy is that China’s successful handling of COVID led to a FALSE sense of security around the world and delayed the Global response to the pandemic.

We are facing the consequences now.
4/n Leaders, administrators around the world underestimated the devastating potential of COVID.

The globe applauded videos of how China can build a 1000 bed hospital in three days.

That video should have sent a SHIVER down everyone’s spine, and fired them into action.
5/n Reality was that China had figured that this is an UNSTOPPABLE virus and unless they go into complete freeze and isolate every potential carrier, their healthcare systems will collapse and they will succumb.

Further the ignominy of being the epicentre would haunt them.
6/n So they took drastic action.

No one can replicate China’s social and civil order. It moved swiftly and deeply in handling this spread.

China’s social structure and authoritarian society creates a fear-powered discipline in citizens.
7/n China was able to ABSOLUTELY isolate people - home by home, apartment by apartment, family by family.

Majority of infections were familial & they forcibly removed infected family members into isolation without any contact.

Actions that in other societies are UNTHINKABLE.
8/n They mobilised their Armed forces

They isolated an entire province the size of Europe and flew in over 40,000 trained healthcare personnel.

Converted stadiums into isolation wards.
9/n 50M people went into full quarantine.

EVERYONE who ventured outdoors had to wear a mask.

Visits to grocery/food shopping were rationed to twice a week - one family member.

Absolute dwelling-level lockdown. Zero movement. Food supplies monitored by emergency personnel.
10/n Then they implemented *Digital Quarantine*- a personal digital bubble around every person. Converting every individual into an “IoT” - trackable 24/7

QR codes identify safe people & offer "access control" to safe zones
11/n The world's most sophisticated surveillance infrastructure went to work.

In short, they virtually monitored the movement of the entire population.

Penalties for non-compliance are severe - we hear stories of people who have simply disappeared in that regime.
12/n We’ll never really know the scale of what went on behind the scenes. How surveillance was used, how force was used to beget EXTREME compliance.

Community members were used to enforce rules within buildings.

Those are the lessons that should have chilled the spine.

It’s not China that staved off the virus - it’s the Chinese social contract that did it.
14/n No one can be China.

“No one else in the world really can do what China just did.”

15/n Nor can we be South Korea, or Singapore or Taiwan.

Contact tracing - South Korea implemented some of these initiatives without the surveillance - but with widespread street-side testing and isolating zones of infection.

16/n Singapore similarly tracked down every known carrier from abroad and broadcast it. Taiwan - is another case study

These societies have first-world resources and a disciplined, hygiene aware populace.

17/n Democratic societies have different social contracts.

Penalties, Punishments and Rights are protected by Courts.

Fear is not the modus operandi for coordination (or control).
18/n Each country will need 10X the efforts of the Chinese to win the same battles.

We don't have the same survellienace or social contracts. Bureaucratic, healthcare, institutional configurations are unique - and are not designed for central command.
19/ n As our Prime Minister said - "Every country is on its own".

We need to marshall our own resources. Use our own ingenuity and find our own solutions to suppress the virus and bring our economy back

The faster we coordinate and act, the less the damage.
20/20 A thread on what we need to do: https://twitter.com/hchawlah/status/1240961286541676544?s=20

First, read the thread above 👆

Then read the thread below 👇

And tell me how many countries can sustain this *microscopic* attention to detail at scale besides China. https://twitter.com/hanson_hhc/status/1241391602523705351?s=20
22/22 Here's another thread that tells you what SEA nations are doing:

Thanks @rmnth https://twitter.com/rmnth/status/1241006486857191424?s=20
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