earthmix things to think about:

mix saying he will go on top (of their joint ig live) next time and earth going "you will go on top?!" with a smirk on his face and mix replying "p'earth, you cant (say that)..." with a flustered expression.
mix replying to earth's tweet with "i will bite your muscles off" bc he was being stubborn about flirting with other people in front of mix and earth answering "no way!"
earth answering "i like northern (thai) people" when mix asked him why he could speak northern dialect and mix just smiling bashfully bc of it.

mix is from the northern part of thailand.
this video
mix calling earth daddy and sia (rich middle aged men who frequent clubs) and being so unapologetic about it
earth stealing mix's wallet and using it to pay for his food during valentine's day 2020. "his" food bc mix didnt eat, he was full.
earthmix eating out and going grocery shopping after mix's exam week and before the quarantine started.
this video:
earth google-ing mix's birthdate and mix going "stop it i know im not worth(anything to you)" and proceeding to sulk
that one queen-sized bed in their #imnotyourwifetrip đź‘€
when mix posted an igs in valentine's 2020 with a caption "waiting for true love" then earth tweeted a "?" right after.
this video
earth ran to the buy a plaster for mix bc his feet were hurt by his shoes and even tried to put it on mix himself but mix stopped him. this all happened on their second meeting.
this video of mix riding at the back of earth's bicycle as they went to get breakfast during day 2 of gmmtv outing 2020
earthmix posting pictures showing their matching bracelet on their ig
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