❤️Not Just Anyone❤️

💥Kiribaku with alpha!Bakugo and beta!Kirishima
💥there are going to be other characters and ships but
Kiribaku will be the main focus
💥this is my first twitter thread story and a/b/o story so I'm
nervous af
Katsuki Bakugo’s nose wrinkled up in disgust as the distinct smell of an unmated omega nearing their heat found its way to him. He adjusted his face mask and began to move a little quicker through the crowd, putting space between himself and the odor.
He caught wind of another telltale sign of heat and then another. This was becoming a fucking pandemic.

He walked briskly, ignoring his alpha screaming in his head to stop and inhale deeply. The last thing he needed was to accidentally force himself into an early rut.
Things in the world were going ass over teakettle as it was without any further help from his damn alpha.

“Does nobody use fucking suppressants anymore?” he growled, pushing open his apartment door and dropping his bag just inside the entryway.
The rancid odor of a distressed omega filled his nose as soon as he tore off his mask and dropped it in the trashcan by the door. “Who the hell’s here, Ei?!” he called.
There was a thud and then Kirishima’s bedroom door cracked open and the other man peered out, brow furrowed. “It’s Denki. He’s having a bad day.”

“Join the club,” Bakugo muttered as he moved into the kitchen. “Tell him to put on a patch or something. He fucking reeks.”
“Come on, man. Don’t be a dick.” The door closed again and there was the soft, soothing rumble of Kirishima’s voice from behind it.

Bakugo sighed and shook his head. He grabbed a beer and settled down on the couch with a grunt.
He couldn’t make out the words his roommate was saying but the comforting rhythm of his speaking, though muffled, began to ease away his frustrations of the day.
Some of their friends claimed Kirishima’s ability to calm and cheer them all up was his beta superpower but Bakugo knew better. It was nothing more than Kirishima being Kirishima, secondary genders be damned.
He did have to admit that it made things easier that Kirishima was a beta. If he’d been an alpha, they may not have been able to stay under the same roof as easily as they did now. And if he’d been an omega...
Bakugo ignored the twitch his cock gave and finished off his beer. There was no use going down that road. What if’s got him nowhere and that wasn’t the worst thing. No, the worst thing would be no Kirishima at all.
His stomach rumbled and he stood and stretched. Kaminari’s smell had shifted from distressed and sour to a bittersweet aroma. Bakugo wrapped the back of his knuckles on the bedroom door. “Oi, is Dunce Face staying for dinner or what?”
“You’re so mean,” Kaminari called back, his voice just on the edge of a whine. “And I’m hungry.”

“Then go home to your boyfriend and make him cook for you.”

There was a moment of quiet and the air turned sour again as Kaminari let out a sob.


So that was the issue.
Bakugo retreated to the kitchen and began pulling ingredients out. It was Kaminari’s own fault for getting involved with someone in the first place.
As if the threat of falling in love with someone wasn’t upsetting enough just because the crazy primal beings in their heads dictated it, Bakugo had been sent out on too many resident calls for domestic disputes than he cared to remember. Relationships turned people into morons.
Morons and monsters.

Dinner was almost finished when Kirishima came out of his room. There was a tightness around his eyes but he still smiled brightly at the other man. “Thanks for cooking. I meant to get started when I got home but Denki was waiting for me in the hall.”
“He should know better than that, the way he’s smelling,” Bakugo muttered, easily stepping around Kirishima to grab plates from the cabinet. “Anybody could’ve come up on him before one of us got here.”

“He’s not exactly thinking straight,” Kirishima winced. “Uh, speaking of...”
“So help me if he’s building a nest in your room again, Ei.”

“Well...” Kirishima’s pointed teeth bit into his bottom lip. “He doesn’t really have anywhere else safe to do it right now. He and Shinso broke up again.”
“Yeah, until the freak shows up in his rut and demands his omega back like last time.”

“I don’t know, man. He made it seem like things were pretty final. Denki wants kids and Shinso doesn’t so he won’t give him a mating bite.”
He scratched at the back of his neck anxiously. “He’s torn because he wants to be at home with him during his heat but he’s upset about the kids thing.”
“Doesn’t sound like they’re broken up; just sounds like an argument.” Bakugo scooped a large helping of rice and vegetables onto his plate with a tired sigh. “How long til you think he’s in full heat?”

“Maybe a day? I’m really sorry, Kats. If I’d known sooner, I would’ve--”
He cut him off with the wave of his hand. “It’s fine. I’ll pick up a few extra patrols and sleep at the agency. Just call me when I can come back.”

“Are you sure? If I need to, I can call around and find a heat shelter I can go to with him...”
“You’re too nice for your own damned good. I hope you know that. You don’t have to be everyone’s stupid comfort blanket.” Bakugo gave him a hard look.
“Now eat before it gets cold and there should be plenty extra. I’m going to go to my room and I’ll clear out in the morning. Tell the idiot he can take whatever he needs from my laundry basket for his nest for his alpha scents.”
Kirishima pulled him into a hug, causing Bakugo to curse as he almost dropped his plate. “You’re really nice too, Katsuki,” he murmured, pressing his nose into blonde hair and inhaling loudly. “Don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone.”
“Get off me, you oaf.” Bakugo pretended like the heat he felt rushing over his skin was just from being around the stove for so long and had nothing to do with the way it felt to have Kirishima’s body pressed against his.
The other man laughed and released him, moving on to fix plates for himself and the omega he was babysitting.

Bakugo had a love/hate relationship with the way Kirishima would make sure he knew he was taking in his scent.
He always did it in completely innocent spots, never getting anywhere near the scent glands at his neck, but it affected Bakugo all the same. He didn’t bother with any more words as he edged his way out of the kitchen and into his bedroom.
He stripped as soon as the door was locked and turned on the shower, not bothering to wait for the water to heat.
Cold rained down on him and while the shock helped with the erection he’d popped while his best friend had been giving him the slightest physical affection, it didn’t stop his mind from replaying how it felt to be held so tightly. This was nothing new though.
He’d realized long ago that he was weak for Kirishima’s touch. He couldn’t explain it, knew it wasn’t a logical thing, but there was no denying it.
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