Health Care Workers in Newfoundland and Labrador are being asked to take significant risk of exposure to novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), #COVID19, when the potential spread of disease through airbourne routes exists, and *surgical masks*, not *respirators*, are provided. 1/
Knowing that HCW's are worried about themselves, and the people they may infect, and seeing on @NTVNewsNL that nurses may be asked to wear surgical masks, I would like to share the following information (WHO, CDC, medical studies, and 3M) that I was reading not two days ago. 2/
The very short version (as HCW's undoubtedly know), surgical masks protect patients; not the nursers, doctors, and other health care workers that wear them.

They do not prevent infection for the wearer. 3/
The WHO also recommends wearing eye or face protection, gloves, fluid-resistant aprons or gowns, along with the particulate respirator of at least NIOSH N95 or EU FFP2

Same reference as previous. 5/
Is is proven that all certified N95 or higher-rated particulate respirators can filter airborne biological particles such as viruses and bacteria. 6/ 
...and the manufacturer knows this: "surgical gauze masks... do not have adequate filtration material and may not be designed to form a seal against the face... may not provide the expected protection to your lungs." 8/
But they probably help a bit, right? 9/
When infection rates were tracked among workers who wore N95 respirators... medical masks, and... neither, N95 respirators were found to be significantly protective against bacterial and viral infections, while *surgical masks were not.* 10/
Surgical masks are not significantly protective against viral infections. That information directly from the manufacture of both products, 3M.

Why are we asking HCW to "protect themselves" with surgical masks from #covid19nfld ? 11/
The public will lean heavily on the professionalism, duty, and sacrifice of our health care workers.

We can't do enough to support them, and we shouldn't tolerate them taking unnecessary risks. It is not acceptable. /13
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