THREAD/ #StiffChina

If Trump wants to lean into the spirit of #ChinaLiedPeopleDied / #ChineseVirus / #SueChina in a way that could win over the Left, here's a gutsy move he could make:

Repudiate the portion of our #NationalDebt held by #China.
#StiffChina would be a very Trumpian move: #AmericaFirst, cross-ideological, and maybe bit reckless...

But it pays for a pretty generous stimulus #EmergencyUBI without adding debt or inflation. That's why it could win over Progressives.
Naturally, this should be considered/analyzed more carefully than I've done here, and the CCP, should, of course, be heard out to make their case against it, but this is one of the few ways, at least for America, out of the coming economic calamity.

#StiffChina /THREAD
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