Day 1 update of working from home: I have already had way too much coffee.
Day 2 update of working from home: I've decided I might try and grow out my facial hair. To be fair, facial hair probably isn't a very accurate term when it comes to trying to describe what I'm actually able to grow on my face.

Stay tuned.
Day 3 update of working from home: I have been eating literally all of the snacks.
Day 4 update of working from home: I have officially run out of podcasts to listen to.
Day 5 update of working from home: I actually dressed up and made myself look presentable for a 30-minute Zoom meeting this afternoon.

This is my life now.
Day 6 update of working from home: I don't think I've ever watched more @FirstTake on ESPN than I have this week.
Day 7 update of working from home: I have a virtual meeting today, so I wore a dressier shirt. What they don't know is that I'm still wearing sweatpants.

Don't judge me.
Day 8 update of working from home: I bought some more snacks from the store on Monday for the week.

It's Tuesday and they are almost all gone. I've gone mad.
Day 9 update of working from home: I am 100% convinced that I officially have a coffee problem.
Day 10 update of working from home: To feed my addiction, I made a pot of coffee this morning.

Guys, you're supposed to add the water to the coffee maker before you try and make it. I somehow forgot this important step.
Day 12 update of working from home: Watching the Price is Right in the background while working at my temporary desk. This show is underrated.

I also realized I missed a Day 11 update, which is unfortunate.
Day 13 update of working from home: I have officially eaten all of the snacks.
Day 14 update of working from home (after hours edition): Went into my actual work office today to do something & it actually felt weird being there.

So I came back to my home office, grabbed a replenished pile of snacks, put sweatpants on & everything fell right back into place
Day 15 update of working from home:

I have found the new interest in trying to figure out how many different sweatshirts/sweatpants combinations I can possibly come up with while working from home.
Day 16 update of working from home:

Today kind of feels like a Saturday and a Wednesday all at the same time. The days have officially begun to blend together.
Day 17 update of working from home:

Today is just a sad day for the sports world and beyond. Just another reminder to be thankful for the situation you're in and to take advantage of your time with loved ones.
Day 18 update of working from home:

It's snowing again and it's below freezing. We have officially gone back to January.

That's all I have for today.
Day 19 update of working from home: I bit my lip while eating an apple during breakfast this morning and I think this might be it for me.
Day 20 update of working from home: After about three weeks of mornings drinking the coffee I bought a while back, I JUST realized it's actually DECAF.

Things are officially spiraling out of control.
Day 21 update of working from home: I still don’t know what it’s like not to wear sweatpants and I have no regrets.
Day 22 update of working from home:

Thanks, iPhone, for giving me an update this morning on just how exciting my life has been during this quarantine.
Day 23 update of working from home:

Seriously considering the idea of converting a few pairs of my sweatpants into some sort of cut-off sweatpants/shorts type thing. My dedication to continuing this sweatpants trend during quarantine might be unmatched.
Day 24 update of working from home:

Today is a work anniversary for me, so I'm celebrating by working from home and eating literally all of the snacks.
Day 25 (feels like 325) of working from home:

Can't focus at all this morning while being consumed with NFL Draft mocks and draft talk on TV. Man, I miss sports.
Day 26 update of working from home:

I’m tired. Mainly because I stayed up until like midnight watching just one round of the NFL Draft. No draft should ever take 4.5 hours to complete just one round.
Day 27 update of working from home:

After nearly 30 days of working remotely now, this whole not actually going into the office is starting to feel normal. Which is weird.

That's all for today. It's Monday.
Day 28 update of working from home:

I think I might actually be close to being able to braid my hair. This isn't a good thing.
Day 29 update of working from home:

I have run out of coffee and now we have a tragedy to go along with the current pandemic.

Your thoughts are welcome during this time.
Day 30 update of working from home:

Crazy to think that it's been 30 work days and roughly six weeks away from the office. After the end of March felt like it took 327 years to finish, the month of April kind of feels like it flew by.

Also, I now have more coffee so we're good.
Day 32 update of working from home:

On Friday, which was day 31, I took a vacation day to help my brother-in-law shingle his house. But I’m still considering that a workday b/c I make the rules in this pointless thread, dang it.

Today, my body still hurts. All of it.
Day 33 update of working from home:

I recently bought some chocolate caramel brownie flavored @CameronsCoffee and I might end up drinking 17 pots of coffee today.
Day 34 update of working from home:

One thing I've had more time to do is watch TV, mainly ESPN. ESPN airs a lot of daytime talk shows, but I've been amazed at how smooth of a transition they have made it in the new world. Kudos to behind-the-scenes people on making that happen.
Day 35 update of working from home:

Guys, I can't stop online shopping. This is not going to end well.
Day 36 update of working from home:

I went into the office today and it actually felt weird being at my desk for a little bit after working from home for nearly 40 days. Such is the new reality we live in.
Day 37 update of working from home:

As part of #QuarantineBeardWatch2020, I am now able to curl the end of my mustache and have officially turned into Rollie Fingers.
Day 38 update of working from home:

Back on the grind of watching The Price Is Right in the background while working and I don't regret this decision one bit.

Also, it's crazy that this game show has been on TV since 1972 for 47(!!) seasons.
Day 39 update of working from home:

Man, I really miss sports. Today and everyday.

That’s it. That’s the tweet.
Day 40 update of working from home:

Drinking my 79th cup of coffee thinking of shows I have or am watching in quarantine. So far:

-Jack Ryan
-Schitt’s Creek
-Tiger King
-All American
-The Ranch
-Designated Survivor

What’s your list & what should be next?
Day 41 (it’s seriously been over 40 days already?) update of working from home:

Taking a half-day today while planning on spending the afternoon on a lake at my cabin fishing and relaxing. Looking forward to getting away from all the craziness for a weekend.

Happy weekend, all!
Day 42 update of working from home:

A live look at me catching up and responding to emails this morning that I missed while I was out Friday afternoon:
Day 43 update of working from home:

I bit my tongue while eating breakfast this morning and this might actually be the end, you guys.
Day 44 update of working from home:

I just realized I’ve gotten to the point in quarantine where I’m able to comb both my hair and my beard.

Hey, I never said these working from home updates would be interesting.
Day 45 update of working from home:

I have four straight hours of virtual meetings today and am putting the over/under on the amount of times I hear “I think you need to take yourself on/off mute” at 9.5 times.

Positive wishes are welcome.
Day 47 update of working from home:

Day 46 was spent out of the office and on a lake fishing, so it was very well well spent.

Today started with me once again forgetting to put coffee grounds in the coffee maker, resulting in just hot water being made.

You can't win them all.
Day 48 update of working from home:

Currently being sidetracked while working because "CuddlySparrow7152" keeps playing me back in Dice with Buddies. In case you were wondering how quarantine and remote working is going currently.
Day 49 update of working from home:

Most days, I try & keep these light-hearted, sharing an admittedly dumb moment from something I did during the day.

Sitting at my desk, I can't come up with anything light-hearted. Our state & country is in chaos. Let's all be better. Please.
Day 50 update of working from home:

This morning, I came across this quote below that seemed relevant right now. Stay safe, everyone.

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Day 51 update of working from home:

Wait, it's already June? What happened to the last two months? Time has felt like it has crawled, yet flown by. If that's even possible.
Day 52 update of working from home:

I've hit the point while being at home that I'm extremely warm but can't stop drinking all of the coffee. Lol.
Day 53 update of working from home:

You guys, I was able to get my haircut yesterday for the first time in 903,000 days and I feel like an entirely new person (and no longer look homeless).
Day 54 update of working from home:

I went to the driving range yesterday to try and break in the ol’ golf swing for the first time this year. Today, I’m pretty sure my body is going to fall apart and I now feel like I’m 93 years old.
Day 56 update of working from home:

Spent day 55 off getting really sunburnt b/c apparently I don't know what sunscreen is.

Today, I found out that you can finally schedule tweets on  rather than having to do it on TweetDeck/other programs. A game changer
Day 57 update of working from home:

Decided to step outside earlier today to sit on my balcony for a little bit and about five birds started flying around me after they had built a nest on the balcony.

So, I'm pretty sure that puts an end to me ever going outside again.
Day 60 update of working form home:

Oh, you thought that since I didn't tweet on days 58 and 59 that I was done with these? WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG!

The only thing that I have for today: TGIF.
Day 61 update of working from home:

My seasonal allergies have officially gotten to the point where I might have just rubbed my eyeballs out of my head. That point in the year once again.
Day 62 update of working from home:

Just realized we are at the halfway mark of June already. When in the world did that happen?
Day 63 update of working from home:

I’m at the point in the day where I’ve only been awake for a few hours but am already contemplating when I could take a nap later on. I’m 79 years old.
Day 64 update of working from home:

I’m c CS meeting some coworkers for lunch at a restaurant for the first time since this whole work from home stuff began, and you guys, I don’t know if I remember how to properly dine-in at a restaurant anymore.
Day 65 update of working from home:

I went outside this morning and apparently this is what it's like to have a nice morning without crazy humidity. I can get used to this weather.

(Weak update of working from home tweet today, my apologies)
Day 66 update of working from home:

I am incredibly tired this morning. That may or may not result in me breaking a Guinness World Record for most coffee consumed by a single person during an 8-hour work day.

Stay tuned.
Day 67 update of working from home:

I wonder who ever made the decision that it was unacceptable for adults to have afternoon nap times, because that person should be punished. This dude needs a nap.
Day 68 update of working from home:

I for some reason thought today’s date was July 24 instead of June 24. Quarantine brain is in full effect today.
Day 69 update of working from home:

Today feels like a Thursday, Monday and Saturday all at the same time. Such is the life while working remotely. Also, today's a nice day.
Day 70 update of working from home:

This morning has been the kind of morning where I’ve already burnt my tongue twice with coffee but I can’t stop myself from continuing to drink the 17,000-degree coffee. I need some serious help. ☕️
Day 71 update of working from home:

Today is my Wednesday already and it's just Monday. I don't care if that doesn't make any sense, I'm just happy that it's a short week.
Day 72 update of working from home:

Today, my goal is to get outside more than I managed to yesterday.

I didn’t actually go outside one single time yesterday, so I’m setting my goals pretty high here. Lol
Day 73 update of working from home:

Today is July 1. Already.


Also, today’s my Friday. Yes, I’m bragging about that this is my pointless Twitter thread and I make the rules.
Day 74 update of working from home:

Today and Day 75 will consist of me not actually working but parking my butt on the lake as much as possible during an extended holiday weekend.

I might return on Sunday looking like an actual lobster. Happy 4th, everyone!
Day 76 update of working from home:

I just realized that sports (maybe?) come back in less than three weeks.

Day 77 update of working from home:

I had a meeting yesterday to come up with a plan for what was going to be discussed in a meeting next week on the exact same topic.

The new normal of meetings while working from home, I suppose.
Day 78 update of working from home:

I just found out that today is National Video Game Day, so after work I’m going to channel by 12-year-old self and sit on my butt playing video games for the rest of the night. In case you were wondering.
Day 79 update of working from home:

After watching the news and looking at the extended forecast a few times this morning, I’ve come to the conclusion that it will permanently be around 90 degrees here in Minnesota for the rest of our lives.
Day 80 (holy crap, 16 weeks already?) update of working from home:

I just saw and heard someone outside of my living room (by the way, my windows are closed) screaming to themselves with nobody else around.

If you needed a definition of quarantine, that might be it.
Day 81 update of working from home:

July 13 is the day where I always try and find all the free items I can get annually from restaurants. This is actually kind of fun Lol.
Day 82 update of working from home:

Just did an event virtually this morning that has been one of the most interesting in-person events of the summer each year. The new normal, I guess.
Day 83 update of working from home:

Oh you thought I forgot about this pointless Twitter thread? NOPE! I just had nothing exciting aka pointless happen today worth sharing. I promise to be more (or less?) exciting tomorrow.
Day 84 update of working from home:

Four virtual meetings for me today, with the final one happening in about an hour. The amount of times I’ve heard “can you mute your mic” or “I think your mic is muted” is officially off the charts.
Day 85 update of working from home:

Thank. God. It's. Friday.

That's all. Have a great weekend!
Day 86 update of working from home:

Yes, today’s Monday.

BUT, you guys, a few more major sports leagues are returning this week!!
Day 87 update of working from home:

I'm pretty sure I'm on coffee No. 732 already today. This is getting out of control.
Day 88 update of working from home:

I’ve spent too much of my time today looking online for a small desk to buy for my place while working from home and beyond. But not a ton of luck.

Any recommendations on places to look at for small at-home desks?
Day 89 update of working from home:

Just realized we are only 5 hours and 23 minutes until actual meaningful live baseball returns. But it’s not like I’m counting or anything...
Day 90 update of working from home:

I just stepped outside and it felt like it's 2,000 degrees so I have come to the conclusion that I'm just not going to ever go outside again.
Day 91 update of working from home:

Okay, who decided to invite Monday back today?

That’s all I got. It’s Monday.
Day 93 update of working from home:

I forgot to post something interesting from day 92, which speaks for just how interesting it was.

As far as today, I think I have reached my monthly caffeine intake after staying up way too late last night. I'm officially 93 years old.
Day 94 update of working from home:

After not having any meetings to this point in the week, I have four virtual meetings today. Yes, this is me complaining.

Happy "quick, let's scheduled a meeting before the end of the week!" day!
Day 95 update of working from home:

After sending someone an email, which states my name multiple times, this was the response I just got back:

"Michael, that sounds great to me. Thank you!"

Michael. Happy Friday, y'all!
Day 96 update of working from home:

I was not called Michael today. So today was a good day.

Also, almost to 100!!!
Day 97 update of working from home:

Starting tomorrow, I will be going back into my office once a week until an eventual full move back into the office.

Will be weird, but nice at the same time. Unfortunately for all of you, updates of working from home will continue for now.
Day 98 update of working from home:

Weirdest part about going back to the office for the first time yesterday - outside of having to wear dress clothes for the 1st time in 49 weeks - was trying to work on one computer monitor when I normally have multiple.

First World problems.
Day 99 update of working from home:

Thursday evening, I went out and golfed nine holes for the first time this year.

Today, my body hates me. And I'm still so bad at golf.
Day 100 update of working from home:

WE MADE IT! DAY 100!!!

In celebration, I bought myself a desk for my room at my place so I can finally ditch the table I’ve been using while working from home the last 73 years. Only took me 100 days to decide on one lol.
Day 101 update of working from home:

I forgot how incredibly nice yet awful (thanks to allergies) it is to open up the windows at my place. The stuffed nose is worth the fresh air.
Day 102 update of working from home:

I just saw this story headline under "What's happening" on Twitter this morning.

Day 103 update of working from home:

Today, more than ever, I’m in the never-ending debate with myself on if I should take a quick nap or make my 27th pot of coffee of the day.

Be right back while I go plug in my coffee maker again...
Day 104 update of working from home:

One of the nice things about working from home, especially today, is that I can watch 10 straight hours of the NBA Playoffs starting this afternoon. This is my life.
Day 105 update of working from home:

I’ve been having some intense battles against MikeWazowski3 on Dice With Buddies this morning, in case you’re wondering how my day is going so far.
Day 106 update of working from home:

Wait, today is Aug. 20 already? How in the world did that happen so quickly?

Also, happy Friday Eve!
Day 107 update of working from home:

I went to the eye doctor this afternoon to get my vision checked and now am pretty sure I won’t be able to see for the next 93 hours.
Day 108 update of working from home:

Today is the first day that I am working at my new home desk that I picked up yesterday from the FedEx store. I have to say, it beats the white banquet-style table I've been working on for the last one million work days by about 1,000 miles.
Day 109 update of working from home:

I have nothing today. Please be well and help take care of each other, y’all.
Day 110 update of working from home:

No joke, I've already had two full pots of coffee and am considering making another.

I have a problem, @ByKatieDavidson.
Day 111 update of working from home:

Just realized tomorrow is not only the first day of September already, but we are just a week and a half away from the start of the NFL season.

Wait, what?
Day 112 update of working from home:

Did my first fantasy football draft of the year last night and I've spent too much time today trying to decide if I did an OK job or a horrible job at drafting my team.

Fantasy football is the definition of a love/hate relationship.
Day 113 update of working from home:

Right before the buzzer, I just wanted to share that I bought some pumpkin spice coffee for the first time today so it’s now apparently fall.

I don’t know how I feel about this, but I’m just happy to have more coffee.
Day 114 update of working from home:

Today may be Friday Eve, but thankfully it's also my actual Friday. Looking forward to a fun weekend up at my family cabin to celebrate the long holiday weekend.

Enjoy the weekend, y'all!
Day 115 update of working from home:

Today’s work-from-home update is I’m not. Enjoying a day off and an extended holiday weekend by the lake.

Enjoy the weekend!
Day 116 update of working from home:

Bought this cereal because I’m crazy addicted to coffee so I figured I’d like it, and it’s a game-changer. So dang good.

Your move, @ByKatieDavidson. ☕️
Day 117 update of working from home:

More than half of my day today will be spent stressing over my fantasy football lineup with the year finally kicking off tonight. ‘Tis the season! 🏈
Day 118 update of working from home:

I already need a nap. That's all I got.

Happy Friday to you all!
Day 119 update of working from home:

I am working in a different at-home office for a few days to start the week, and I'm still too close to the coffee maker. This isn't going to end well.
Day 120 update of working from home:

A follow-up from my post yesterday: I told you guys this wasn't going to end well. I drank more caffeine than a normal human being should today.
Day 121 update of working from home:

I met some coworkers for lunch today (had the best fish tacos) and I might have to take an afternoon nap that will last 83 hours.
Day 122 update of working from home:

I just got back from getting new tires on my car and I can now officially say I did some adulting to end the week. And am now broke.

Have a great weekend!
Day 123 update of working from home:

I attended a bachelor party over the weekend for one of my good friends and today I honestly feel 429 years old.
Day 124 update of working from home:

Almost forgot to add to this thread today! Which means I either had a really busy/interesting day or an incredibly boring day. I don't know the answer to that, though.

That's all I got for today.
You can follow @M_Hansen13.
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