For all the people, who say atheist are very small in number as compared to religious people, let me clarify some things to you. Or maybe, to those people who are interested in this topic. It's gonna be a long thread, so read at your own risk!! 1/15
First of all,how many atheists received death threats on social media similar to these:- 2/15
It's quite old, but I have received many like these. I delete most of them so that my mind remains calm. Maybe I didn't notice this one. If atheists will receive these kinds of death threats, why will they come out. It's called cyber bullying btw which is a crime. 3/15
Now, if I come on the topic, not believing in God or religion is not equivalent to being an atheist. Not believing in God has many types of terms and atheism is one of them. It also includes non believers. 4/15
And not believing in religion also includes many terms such as agnosticism. And luckily, none of these are harmful to the society or any community or any person. 5/15
Aheists and agnostics account for only 7% of the world's population. If we include both the terms, i.e., not believing in God and not believing in religion, then we all are considered as non religious or irreligious. At this point, we account 16% of the world's population. 6/15
And, when did all the non believers start to come out with confident??? I mean, even today not many come out in fear of family or society or laws, right???? But still, due to our courage, we account 16% of the population. And I'm not even counting closeted atheists. 7/15
So, don't ever use this small percentage of atheists as a joke or insult. Because we are courageous and brave, and not some blind followers. Even if some of us believe in any god, we do not harm anyone physically or mentally, unlike religious people. 8/15
And I will like to mention some religious reformists who are really good of heart. Like my mother. She is a very big devotee of Krishna. But even if I bring out some illogical aspects of Krishna, she never minds me. 9/15
She never stopped me from, what is today known as, blasphemy. She believes in reformation and strongly condemns blind faith. But as told by her, she can die, but never leave her religion and god. No non religious person has any problem from religious people like her. 10/15
At last, I will like to say, that we non religious people are much better than those religious extremists. We don't go and give someone death threats. I'm not saying that non religious will be increased in the coming years, but that's what I'm saying. 11/15
I'm not saying religious extremism will die in the coming years, but that's what I'm saying. Of course it will take a long time. Maybe, even 500 or 1000 years. But where are we going from the earth or universe??? We are still here and will remain in this universe. 12/15
Our coming generation after few years or centuries will not suffer like we had to. They will lead a peaceful life in this universe. You guys can wait for the day of judgement or wait to enter heaven. But the truth is, when your eyes will be closed, it will be the end of you.13/15
Nothing can bring you back or send you to some other world. No power in this universe can achieve this. And even if scientists find a way to bring the dead back, I'm sure you will not even come to their minds. 14/15
At last, I am happy to accept that I am a proud atheist. I have officially become an atheist and there is no way your prayers or death threats will make me believe in your religion or God. Thank you!!! 15/15
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