Dear @GovPritzker,

1/1 I’m on day 5 of symptoms of #COVID19. My doctors called one of the top hospitals in Chicago to get approval for me to get tested today due to me being immunocompromised. All flu tests came back negative. The ER doctor was frank with
2/2 with me and told me that even though I received a swab for #COVID19 I may not even get my actual test, tested by the state due to the Health Department and a lack of resources! He mentioned that he was begging them to test someone with Cystic Fibrosis...
3/3 earlier today! Cystic Fibrosis!
I have several autoimmune disorders and two blood disorders and this was my blood pressure last night. 😳 Now I wait in quarantine for 15 days with my family per the Health Department and may never know if I had it?!?
Waiting to get worse, infect my family or get to the point where I have pneumonia?! I could literally die!

Please tell me @GovPritzker that you are doing something for the “least of us” because from where I stand this is unacceptable, scary and wrong! 😱
@SenatorDurbin @SenDuckworth @RepBillFoster @GovPritzker

Please! We have the greatest healthcare available here in Chicagoland and I’m not even able to utilize it?!? What is happening? 🥺

My children and husband need me!
@TomJChicago get a load of this!!
Day 6- I just woke up feeling like a truck ran over me. Here’s this morning’s BP. Insane. Do I go back? Do I stay home? This is not normal. (The time on my cuff is off by one hour b/c my dad in EST gave me one of his extras)
We took my BP in the middle of the night....look at this scariness!
Day 7- I just woke up. Completely delirious. Checked my blood pressure. Needed my husband to help me walk downstairs to lay on the couch. He’s shoveling fluids down my throat but I think we’re past that point. No fever yet, still achy and short of breath.
Day 8- I slept until 11:00. This was after sleeping all day yesterday. The exhaustion is REAL. My blood pressure improved slightly from the last few readings. It’s still very low. My symptoms- headache, body ache, shortness of breath, weak, 0 appetite.
I can’t verbalize how much I appreciate the outpouring of prayers, well wishes, support, retweeting, & concern. It means so much to me. I started this tweet thread to explain what I’ve been through & to hopefully get through to my IL gov. or the MSM. Much ❤️!
Day 9- My symptoms are slowly getting better besides fatigue, body aches, fever and headaches. BP taken this morning is low again and pulse is high. I’m concerned about tachycardia. Calling PCP when the office opens. No test results yet. #COVIDー19
Hey everyone...little update! I’ve been fever free all day! 🙂

I still feel the same otherwise but I’m hoping this means I’m over the hump!
Day 10

My test WAS processed & I’m POSITIVE. My doctors feel that I have a fairly mild case, that being said, I’m immunocompromised & my bloodwork was shit so I’m susceptible to not getting all the way better and taking a turn for the worse OR reinfection.
Day 11- I want to clear a few things up. First, due to the onset of my symptoms and when I last left my home (for a MD appt.) I believe I was exposed on March 10th. Being that you can be contagious without symptoms and now that I’m on day 11, it’s been 15,
days total and if any of my family members were to get sick, they would definitely be showing symptoms by now. I have been isolating myself from them all day and keeping a 6 ft distance at night. Even when we watched Contagion. We have hospital grade 3M
cleaning products that we use and 3M hand sanitizer which I ordered in early January when the virus hit in anticipation of the inevitable. It is working! My husband mocked me at the time and let’s just say, is GRATEFUL now. I knew I needed to be proactive!
My symptoms today are not great. My BP is super low. I’m lethargic, I’m wheezing, I am short of breath. I feel like a ton of bricks are on my chest. I have no appetite and no taste. My fever is back. I thought I was on the upswing and I feel back to square 1.
Day 12- not so good. My pulse ox is bouncing between 92-94. My BP is still very low. I have new *issues keeping it harder for me to remain hydrated. My congestion is back and what I thought was 0 taste is REALLY 0 taste today. I can’t even taste my coffee....
I am most likely headed back to the ER today at some point for hydration and to hopefully raise my blood pressure. Just called my doctor and they want me to go. I’m resisting.....a little bit longer and will probably go later today. 😣
Day 15- Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days. I’ve been in a dark place. My Covid symptoms are resolving however....
I’m livid about this whole situation so I will post screenshots I sent my family. Sorry for the language. I’m irate.

BP this morning and basically steady at this ALL DAY. 😰
Day 16- my issues with my blood pressure diagnosed. Covid symptoms have pretty much resolved with the exception of shallow breathing, and a low grade fever. I still feel terrible but my PCP feels that it’s due to below.... #MyCovidStory #CoronaUpdate
Day 17- I just got back from labs done. Now I wait. I didn’t take my BP this morning but can only assume it was crazy low based on my drunken looking weaving into and out of the office b/c I was so dizzy. 🥴 I am happy to report I *think I’m over #COVID19! 🤞🏻
Now to wait and a few days and and get the results of bloodwork & treat my Endocrine system & hopefully get back to feeling better! 💪🏻

I have been warned to continue lockdown quarantine until further notice due to my weak immune system.

Day 19- I’m sorry I haven’t updated in two days. On 3/31 at 1:00 I had a seizure and the paramedics had to be called. I was unconscious for hours and don’t remember most of it. I got my bloodwork back from Monday and I have extremely low Potassium 1/
2/ and that paired with the low T4 in my system caused Addison’s disease and I was admitted to a hospital I’ve never been to before. It was in short, the most horrible experience ever though I was unconscious for most of it. Throughout the night on 3/31 my
3/ BP dropped over and over. I am now on a massive dose of Potassium, Predizone and and my Synthroid was increased. The seizure happened in front of my kids and my husband. It was terrifying. The hospital experience was worse. I’m very sick but I’m home.
Day- I am starting to lose track.

A study came out that I read today. Evidently patients with Covid are showing a correlation between hypokalemia (low potassium) and having Covid. I had bloodwork done on 3/27 in the ER and my level was 3.2 (low) cont.....
On 3/31 I had lab work done in the early AM before my seizure and my Potassium that day had dropped to 2.5 (scarily low.) The lab work came back on 4/1 the day I voluntarily discharged myself from that hospital who was not even treating my low....cont....
potassium! Thank GOD, I left and came home and talked to my PCP and started RX strength Potassium from home along with other drugs. That hospital never ran labs on me in the ER and could have figured out why I had my seizure! My fever is back since Tuesday....
& has been relentless all week. Breathing has been difficult but I started an Albuterol inhaler today which is helping a bit. My Covid has either rebound because I’m immunocompromised & it wasn’t THIS bad before or I was re-exposed & am fighting it again. 😫
Day this just keeps going-

The last few days have been incredibly rough. My rebound has been WAY worse than what I experienced the first round of #Covid_19. I’m needing my inhaler often and my pulse ox hasn’t been great. Fever has been high and I can feel...
gunk in my chest. I’m worried because I DON’T have a cough so it’s all just sitting there.

I’ve made some Twitter Covid friends & @herlifeinpixels put together this amazing resource for people going through #COVID19 ❤️
Day has it been a month yet?

I woke up having difficulty breathing. I used my inhaler and it just wasn’t helping. I realized it was actually my heart. I lied back down and put on the pulse ox and focused on breathing. I watched it for 2 hours and my pulse..
was all over the place. I wasn’t moving I was completely still and it was jumping from 80 to 97...98...99...111...114...80. 🥺 I knew that wasn’t right I could feel my heart working hard. I sat up took my BP and it was low. 74/53. I immediately called my....
On-Call PCP. The poor groggy doctor called me back at 2:00am and told me I needed to get to the ER immediately, especially since I had previously had a seizure. My husband drove like “Ricky Bobby” and we got there in 25 min. I was experiencing arrhythmia. 😣
Day what feels like eternity.....

I got my ECG results back from the Cardiologist at the hospital.

Abnormal arrhythmia and left ventricle enlargement. 😞

When can I get an appt. with a specialist? No idea. My Neuro appt. from my seizure is now an E-visit.
I can’t get a “real” doctor’s appointment for 28 days according to the notes from the ER doc & my Covid symptoms. Every appointment I had has been rescheduled. I am beyond frustrated.

This is ENDLESS. Completely endless. If I could drink right now, I would.
Corona Log Day 28

Today I had a little bit of energy so I took a shower instead of soaking in my bathtub. BIG MISTAKE. BIG.

I now feel completely wiped out and an hour later I’ve spiked a 101 fever. 🥵

I hate this. SO DAMN DONE.

Corona Log Day 30


Every single person that thinks we need to hurry up and reopen the country needs to read this thread.

30 days!

There are millions of people who have not been tested and may be asymptomatic! TEST TEST TEST!
You can follow @ejthies15.
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