Oh, just had a thought.

I could use my Soulblight Vampire in Warcry, with Stormcast Warrior Chamber rules. He will need a few chunky vampire knights as mates though.

So the question is; what to make them from? Converted Stormcast, or Blightkings, or something else?
I think a mix of Wurmspat, Goliath, Stormcast Vampire Lord parts and greenstuff might make a good base...
First stab at a Vampire Thrall Knight with what parts I have to hand. (The Agrellan Earth on his armour is still wet, so it will get a cracked effect eventually)
The Agrellan Earth on his armour worked pretty well!
Zenithal base coats...
(WIP) Wardens of the Cold Flame
#SoulblightVampire Thrall Knights, made mostly from Goliath and Blightking bits.
Morddrak, of the Wardens of the Cold Flame.
WIP #SoulblightVampire Thrall Knight.
Morddrak, The Thrall Knight, #SoulblightVampire, Wardens of the Cold Flame.
Blog post: Morddrak's backstory and 4 more WIP #SoulblightVampire Thrall Knights for the Wardens of the Cold Flame.

Vollak, The Traitor Knight.
Klosolka, The Witch Knight.
Haryom, The Shunned Knight.
Yurkenor, The Outcast Knight.

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