Two weeks ago, I noticed doves trying to nest in my plant. I would shoo them away but knew I’d come out one morning to a nest with eggs. Today, the eggs hatched.
If you didn’t know, doves take care of the nest together. We watched “shift change” happen almost every day. No matter the elements, they share the duties. Kind of sweet to watch.
About to ride out another storm. This time, it’s under a tornado watch until 10pm. #Parents #TornadoAlley
Days 2
Caught a feeding this morning. Still raining and much cooler.
Day 3
Shift change
Call your parents, aunts, uncle, cousins, old friends.
Day 4
Got a good look at the chicks during shift change today.
Day 5
Noticed a change today. The nest was left alone for a little bit and we got a good look at the chicks. Sadly, one wasn’t alive so I removed the carcass from the nest and they’re back to feed the lone survivor.
Life goes on.
Glad to be able to share this with these doves. #GotYourBack
Day 6
One chick left but he/she seems to be a heathy cub. Got a good shot at shift change tonight. I also had a close call when my son tossed my truck keys up and almost hit the nest. The snap of the adult dove’s wing made me jump.
Day 7
Shift change
Getting bigger by the day.
Frank is doing well and getting bigger everyday. It’s been an easy start to tornado season(so far). Feeling good about Franks chances at this little thing called life. #GiveEmHellFrank
Day whatever:
Frank is big enough mom and dad can’t fully cover him any more. They leave him on his own much more now. We #LatchKeyKids understand. Mom and dad both work to make sure I eat. #LifeGoesOn
It won’t be much longer until Frank moves out of the house.
Good morning
Frank has an eagle eye.
Frank eats a lot these days
Just like that, Frank is gone. Good luck, little buddy. Thanks for sharing!
Holy poop on a stick! Look who’s back!
Two eggs this round. Hopefully they both make it.
Today brought a hail storm in Dallas. Mom, never flinched. #coronavirus #COVIDー19
Life in tornado alley.
I lost the staring contest. Mrs. Pac-Man has skills.
@Halestorm (yes I know it’s hail) number two for the doves this round. #Parents
On this #NFLDraft2020 night, we are pleased to announce we still have Tua doves eggs
Life goes on
Two healthy looking chicks
Only one of the doves made it and he’s about ready to join mom and dad in the wild.
Round 3? Now they’re just showing off. #DoveLife
Frank Dove III is just about to fly the coup. To be honest, I’ve really enjoyed it, especially Frank Sr at the beginning of the virus lockdown. Now, I’m ready for them to stop shitting in my flower bed.
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