the driver era stans wildin: a thread by @leftinafterglow
this will be an ongoing thread so whenever i see a stan say something really funny or crazy i will add. feel free to dm me pics and i will credit you on the thread. enjoy! also ps, no stans are safe, including me.
starting off with a personal fav of mine. lee really set the bar for tde stans and we all need to live up to her example. do better.
next we have this wonderful tweet from neesh which inspired me to start this thread. a trendsetter.
next caitlin went off the rails and decided to launch her very own i hate ross lynch campaign. can you say iconic?
listen, i can’t pretend to know what went on in mona’s mind to tweet this but i think we all can relate.
when lee got dailyross to talk about cum. YUP LEGEND TINGZ.
when aya and i had a whole ass fight about who was the leader of rocky nation and ended up giving each other the titles. see kids, sharing is fun!
when lee and i (the tde wildin leaders WNRJWKNR) got into a fight about who leads blonde ross nation. literally no one asked but anyways.
no lies detected.
we no longer claim ryland. a different breed. chile anyways so
we no longer claim lee. she is a different breed.
You can follow @leftinafterglow.
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