Decided to make a thread for gardening stuff because quarantine and I love plants and I want to share some life with you guys! I’ll keep adding to it as I can.

Thread -
here’s some of my succulents.
this is our baby fig tree, Mr. Figs. he’s a year and some months old.
he did move to his grow bag on 3/10/2020. grow bags > pots because it provides the roots with better aeration and drainage. I have the grow bag in a milk crate to keep it off the ground, again, better air flow (and easy to move!)
Mr. Figs is just over 15” high on 3/19/2020. 🥰
You’ll also notice I have decorative sand on the top. This is to protect him from fungus gnats bc Florida is terrible for them.
as most of you know, my mom passed away. I have some of her plants in my garden now as well. 🥰❤️
here’s some of it cleaned up and repotted. 🥰
Last night, I also got some of the babies from her big plant into nursery pots to grow new plants. The two smaller pieces are already rooted; the large stem I’m trying to root from a leaf, 3/18/2020.
Here’s a mint plant I got on clearance for $1.50. It was leggy & looked terrible. I brought it home & pinched it back almost to the ground & now I have so much new growth. As you can see from the one large piece I left intact, it had gotten really leggy; I like mint bushy. 😻
here are my vegetable and herb seedlings. placed in their little greenhouse on 3/7/2020. Showing life by 3/10.
by 3/11/2020, here’s the babies!
pulling out the cucumber and kale to transplant on 3/16/2020 because they’re too big for the greenhouse. they’re leggy because they were started indoors, but it’s solvable.
cucumber and kale (and one yellow cherry tomato plant, top right corner) transplanted to started pots. I dealt with the legginess by burying the stems. Inshallah khayr. 💚 I’ll be transplanting the rest hopefully today.
the yellow cherry tomato plant is super special to me. the seed came from @THEkarliehustle’s tomatoes she planted last year when she had cancer. read more on the photo. 💚

L - when it sprouted, R - after transplant on 3/18/2020
separating an echeveria rusbyi (succulent) pup to make a new plant, 2/24/2020.
leaf propagation for succulents. started 2/29/2020. First leaf prop baby 3/12/2020 (Burro’s tail). Check out the roots on these other babies now as of 3/18/2020. (Last pic I think they’re Echeveria Black Prince.) I didn’t label the leaves so some will be a surprise, LOL.
water propagation, started 3/12/2020. only one of the jet beads plants rooted by 3/18/2020; the other two leaves were no good, and the purple flower I cut the stem down again fresh to try dirt propagation with it.
these aloe plants were given to me in December while I was in yoga teacher training. they were in a container with no drainage in the wrong soil & thus had root rot. sure, you can buy a new aloe plant for $5, but where’s the love in that? I cut the rot off & am re-rooting.
by the way, the jet beads and black prince I’m propagating are from my first succulent arrangement, which mostly all got root rot. I’m working to salvage them. most commercial premixed cactus/succulent soil is a no go and will rot your babies. here’s the original arrangement.
anyway, now is a great time to save seeds from your produce and plant it, grow things, and trade plants with your friends. 💚
most succulents are easy to propagate & all you need is a leaf or a cutting. much of my garden has been obtained through gifts, sharing, & trading. you can buy a packet of seeds for the low; it’s an investment that with patience, you will see a huge (and generational) return.
also, instead of flowers, gift whole plants if someone shows an interest in greenery. they last longer, are usually cheaper than a rose bouquet, & it’s a gift that keeps on giving. as you see from some stories I’ve shared about some of my plants, they can be very sentimental! 💚
Leaf propagation update, 3/20/2020....aren’t they cute?! make sure you check the last photo. 🥰
Mom’s snake plant in my room is also growing a baby already. See his little leaf poking out? I was also able to repot the rest of it today.
changed the soil out in this little cutie today.
this arrangement is almost finished, but the string of bananas plant is still sitting in the nursery pot inside that planter bc I’m scared to repot it. 😩
I organized more of my garden today. The top shelf are my veggie/herb seedlings, middle are some of my succulent babies that I split from the mama plant, cuttings I’m rooting to make new plants, or ones who are in “root rehab” bc they weren’t doing well; the bottom is leaf props.
my monstera (Swiss cheese plant) 🥰
successfully repotted my rat tail cactus today. 🌵🥰🤗💚
repotted my dwarf banana tree and removed three babies from it and put them in their own pots. one baby tree had rot, so I had to cut his roots and hopefully he will reroot.
this little leaf prop baby is my first one ever ready to go in its own pot bc the mama leaf is all dried up now!
some succulent pups I took off the the mama plant today.
Leaf propagation baby big enough for her own pot now. 🥳🥰🌵💚
one of my favorite things about gardening and plants is seeing new growth. when I watered my parlor palm today (who is was my first ever houseplant by the way...) I saw he was getting some new frawns! see the bright green?! 💚🥰 (and yes, he’s getting watered in my bathtub.)
pretending that this isn’t from “Fresh Off the Boat” and that DMX actually grows orchids because it makes me very happy. 🥰
Today I’m going to share some new growth on two plants. Snapped these photos yesterday. New growth is my favorite part of being a plant parent! 🤗 🥰🥳
in case you need some bops for your plant babies... 🌱💚 🎶
my very happy and in bloom Easter cactus. 🌸 baby girl brightens up the kitchen and my day in a big way. I love her so much. 💕 she’s not a desert cactus, so she needs more water and higher humidity than her desert friends to stay happy.
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