Wuhan virus time line. “How many coincidences before it is the truth”.

October 18-28, 2019 the International War Games held in Wuhan

10,000 military athletes from over 100 countries participated.

Nov 17 First Wuhan “patient zero” retrospectively. Sick
“Patient Zero” was NOT linked to the Wuhan Seafood Market. More than a third of the first 41 cases had no connection with the market.

Oct 29-30, 2019 Military athletes leave Wuhan for home or return to their bases all over the world. Some get sick with severe “cold” or “flu”.
Incubation is reportedly, 5-27 days.

Conceivably, the first introduction of the contagion could have been during the International War Games.

Dr Li sees 7 patients with “SARS like” severe pneumonia in Dec.

Dec 30, 2019 Dr Li sends a chat to fellow doctors, warning...
..Dr Li warns them about the outbreak & advises them to wear protective gear.

Jan 3, 3020. Four days after the chat he was summoned to the Public Security Bureau, where he was told to sign a letter......(usual Communist ...)

He is allowed to return to work.

He succumbed.
He fell ill. Tested negative for CV until shortly before his death when a test came back positive.

Dead February 7, 2020

Dr Li was one of “eight whistleblowers” who tried to warn other professionals and were reprimanded for spreading “online rumors”.

Feb 7. Social media explodes with indignation at Dr Li’s death.

Feb to March 12 China sent 4 teams to investigate. After 40 days of investigating, the report was due “shortly”.

Jan 23 Chinese authorities begin Quarantine of Wuhan. A city of 11 million plus New Year’s visitors.
Jan 23 Notice that Quarantine is to begin and 500,000 visitors & residents evacuate the city of Wuhan. Evacuees travel all over China and the world.

Jan 24 Quarantine expanded to 12 cities & 35 million people. https://Azeem.com/1790891/China-expands-quarantine-to-12-cities-and-35-million-residents/
October 18, 2019 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness was hosted by John Hopkins center & Gates Foundation. It simulated a outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus. It showed areas where public/private partnerships would be necessary during a pandemic.
Bill Gates Foundation has funded the Pirbright Institute which owns a patent related to coronavirus that affects poultry & pigs.

In November 2019, the Gates Foundation awarded Pirbright $5.5 million grant to establish its Livestock Antibody Hub. https://checkyoutfact.com/2020/01/31/fact-check-Bill-Gates-Pirbright-institute-patent-coronavirus/
Jan 14, 2020. World Health Organization tells everyone “Don’t worry because China says coronavirus isn’t contagious “
Jan 27 Did China downplay the outbreak?
March 11, 2020. WHO declared coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Pointing to the over 118,000 cases in over 110 countries & territories around the world. https://time.com/5791661/who-coronavirus-pandemic-declaration/
Note: 10,000 military athletes from over 100 countries left the International War Games October 29-30 for home & bases around the world.

First Huhan documented patient was seen Nov 17.

Probable initial exposure occurred during the games.

Incubation time 5-27 days.

Boomerang! China took a heavy toll in human life and demonstrated how communism is only interested in money & control.

It was convenient for CCP that the epidemic closed down the Hong Kong demonstrations.

The epidemic provides an excuse/cover for China’s deep economic losses.
Feb 9, 2030. Dr Charles Lieber, Chair of Harvard University’s Dept of Chemistry & Chemical Biology was arrested for lying about secret monthly payments of $50,000 paid by a China & millions more to set up a “Research Lab” at Wuhan University of Technology
Two of Dr Lieber’s Chinese students were also arrested. One was military in the Chinese Comunist Party. The other was arrested at an airport to China carrying multiple vials.
Adrenochrome is produced in a factory close to the Wuhan bio-safety-level-4 Biology lab. Both are six miles from the Seafood Market. Receipt of virus deposit 07/17/2018
It appears that Soros owns the pharmaceutical/Biotech company in Huhan where the Adrenochrome is manufactured!
Well, another possibility...Soros owned the Biotech company that processes Adrenochrome .......in the same city as the level-4 Biological weapons lab! Nothing to see here.
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