#OpenRP #Angst #Smut #HumanAU
// TW: self-harm, depression, most likely suicidal thoughts at some point, cheating, HEAVY angst, overdose reference, drugs, and probably more//
Remus couldn’t fucking handle it anymore! He knew [your muse] just /had/ to be in love with their +
fiancé— he was their fiancé for fucks sake!!! But Remus, and [your muse] were together. Kind of? It’s hard to explain alright!? But for god’s sake! Why couldn’t Remy’s just get a handle on his fucking heart and realize that he was the side hoe... he was nothing more +
to [your muse] than an outlet for stress and their /friend/. Not even their best friend... just some guy they mess around with from time to time because Remus had /stupidly: offered his body because he loved them!!! He loved [your muse]... but eventually his depression got so +
bad, his self-harm was harsher than ever, not that [your muse] ever noticed cauz if they did they didn’t mention the burns on his thighs and the cuts on his hips, and soon his brother told him that if he didn’t end this off, that he’d be forcibly taken to an institution to get +
help... Remus knee he needed it... but his heart aches for [uour muse]— There was only one thing to do, of course. Remus felt awful that he had invited [your muse] to his recording studio under the pretense of fucking, because what else would [your muse] ever want him for. But +
he knew this was the best way. As [your muse] came through the door, Remus strummed his acoustic guitar and tried not to let the tears fall.
🎵 I know I kissed you once
But now it an ‘I love you’
But it also means I won’t forget about you
But let’s forget it. I get it! You +
regret it
But I wish you
Could unda’stand for a minute
That ive got too many issues
I liked you betta’ *his breath hitches* with the lights off
Cauz then I couldn’t see the end
So light your cigarette and lemme tell you how you make my world okay!
Then let’s ova’dose on whiskey
And just /fuck the pain aWAY/!
For a moment, lying next to you
Passed out in that hotel
I thought you could fix my broken pieces but
You’re in love *crues softly and kisses before continuing* with someone /else/🎵
Then Remus just waits for [your msue] to respond while crying
// btw, you can or cannot be in love with the fiancé who can be another side or not make the story and your character your own, I’m not here to godmod, I’m here to provide a story and make your hearts ache with angst 😝 ALSO SONG IS A PARODY OF “Someone Else” by SayWeCanFly //
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