I’m currently sat on a boat in the Persian gulf 20 miles off the coast of Saudi Arabia, I’m at work. We have supplies delivered to us every 2-3 weeks. 1/2
Despite the fact I could be here for months and I don’t know when I’ll see my family again, I feel like one of the lucky ones with the shitstorm that is happening at home and all over the world.

Stay safe people.
From that to this in 24 hours.
Day 20.

Our supplies are late again.
Food is getting low again.
The crew are now taking drastic measures !
Day 22.

Supplies getting low now but night fishing is always better 👍🏼

Can’t get much more isolated than this !
Day 24.

Still no sign of our food being delivered but luckily one of the lads caught this last night.
Day 26.

Weather has now improved. Nice office view today 😎
My colleague has just been transferred onto this boat, heading back to shore to try and get a flight home. He’s been away since December.
Day 29.

Our food stores finally arrived last night, only 10 days late ! Anyway we continue.
Night shift=tunes on.

80’s playlist tonight 👌
Found out today that due to continued travel restrictions everyone onboard has to stay for another month at least.

So we thought we’d play with some anchors.
Day 35.

Morale on board is good considering all of us were due to be home by now plus we have a good baker. Today is banana cup cakes.
Day 39.

The weather has been a bit crappy last few days but the sea is now calming down.
Days on board 44.

Shallow water anchor handling today with 17 ton anchors.
Day 48.

Seems a bit ironic we’ve just finished laying a pipeline in the biggest offshore oil field in the world.

Day 49.

Bit of a change today with a little trip South 100 miles.

Nice day for it thou.
It’s not even 5am yet !

Gunna be a hot one today.
And now this. Dust storm.
Day 57.

Our new neighbours for a few days.
A few visitors this morning *
Sea snakes come out at night. Hard to spot but they are there.
Day 61 of being stuck on this boat. We are tied up in port tonight so I thought I’d go for a stroll.

25 laps = 0.6m
Day 66.

Got kicked out of the port yesterday and sent out to the Anchorage. With company.
Forgotten what beer tastes like.
Never mind, I’ll just stay alert 👀
Day 68.

Towing today.
Day 70.

Another sunrise. How many more before I can go home. Hopefully not too many.
Doing my best Jack Dawson impression.
You can follow @JamesLFC77.
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