day three of self quarantine: I’ve been waiting FOR DAYS to see the spider that lives on the outside of the window catch a bug in its web so I can see it eat said bug as I work. you can’t see the spider rn but I’ll report back
it almost happened!!! but the bug got free at the last second. hopeful there will be more updates to come
It’s been a calendar week and I have still not seen a bug get eaten. still hopeful, we still have a lot of quarantine left
day 16. spider still lives there, still have not seen a bug get eaten. starting to wonder if it’s just a myth that spiders eat bugs
and obviously my patience paid off because she got TWO bugs in her web at the same time. It’s a good day folks
Damn I just realized I literally turned 25 right in the middle of this thread. waiting anxiously for a spider to eat a bug. is this who I am now?

I’m blaming it on covid-19
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