I will go on record with my (potentially unpopular) opinion that we should protect residents from highest risk procedures (eg, intubation) while we have the ability to. They make a fraction of what attendings do and are there to learn. #TrainingInTheTimeOfCOVID
There are many ways for them to learn from this pandemic. Resource allocation, triage & flow plans, evolving systems issues...This one airway issue does not have much added value and only puts them at risk. We should minimize people in the room during these hi risk procedures.
One of two early physicians seriously ill from COVID is young(ish) and healthy. If that were one of my residents and I had the option to tag them out, I would never, ever forgive myself.
There will be a time where we need all hands on deck. But it is not that time yet. Let's protect them while we have that luxury.
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