Well Patriots, looks like we won't have power back on until 6 pm.

So... I've been digging.

What if I told you that every insane thing the Dems have done—from The Green New Deal to Sanctuary Cities to allowing the homeless to camp on your lawn—came straight from UN directives?

"When the Cure Is Scarier than the Pandemic—Part 1"

Before I launch into this, a few words:

I'm not even close to finishing my dig on this, and I'm literally writing this as I post it, from some notes I've scrawled out, so forgive any typos.
I want this thread to reach all folks—especially those who have never seen a Red Pill, let alone swallowed one, so I'm going to try to lay this out with as little tin foil as possible.

I don't want to talk about chem trails or DEWS or whether or not the pandemic was intentional.
The fact is, is doesn't really matter.

This is where we are now. And we need to really look at where we may be heading...
It may surprise some people to discover that Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 were not dreamt up in Alex Jones's basement.

They refer to actual global initiatives that were adopted by the United Nations.

In 1992, more than 178 governments signed the world up for Agenda 21.
We'll look into those goals more closely another time.

I just want to lay the groundwork in this thread, but this is where . @AOC got her Green New Deal.

It sounded crazy to us sane folks, but consider this:

193 countries have already decided this was going to be our future.
I'm going to pause here, because it's time for some serious #Globalese.

For those who are unfamiliar, Globalese is the language of Globalists, Sociopaths and Mean Girls, and you need a working knowledge of it to decode this stuff.

Here's a crash course:
Pay particular attention to Rule #6.

Everything we will be examining from the United Nations was intentionally crafted in exactly this manner.
And everything we will be seeing our liberal states and local governments beg for and implement in the wake of #COVID19 will rely upon it.
Of course, if you question any of it, be prepared for the wrath of Rule #5:
My goal, in this thread, is to prove to you all that these Agendas are not just warm fuzzy empty declarations from members of the UN.

They are directives that are creating policies and circumventing the will of We The People.

For "sauce," we will use this UN manifesto:
Here's the link if you want to follow along, but be forewarned:

It is 66 pages long.

I only made it a third of the way before I decided I needed to get this thread out.

It is interesting to note when & where the New Urban Agenda was adopted.

It happened in Equador in October 2016, at a time when Assange was safe in Equador's London embassy and the world was sure Hillary would be President.

The UN endorsed it days before Trump took office.
So how does any of this apply to us right here, right now, with urgency?

Why does it matter so long as Trump is President?

Because the New Urban Agenda is almost entirely implemented on the state & local levels, and we are now throwing billions and billions of dollars at them.
For proof that They have been implementing this crap for years, let's look at my least favorite governor, . @GavinNewsom and the things he has already accomplished in the Golden State.
1. Forced Inclusivity

The word "inclusive" appears in the the 66-page New Urban Agenda 74 times, in passages such as this:
And here, alongside stuff like this:
And in commitments like this:
Ever wonder why . @GavinNewsom hasn't done a damn thing to hinder the homeless from setting up a tent outside your home?

This is what the UN has to say...
What, you may wonder, is the "right to city"?

I wondered the same thing.

Dontcha know, it's a catchy Socialist slogan...

The nations of the world already committed to implementing these ideologies ALL OVER THE PLANET.

They've been working on it FOR YEARS.

And . @GavinNewsom & his Aunt . @SpeakerPelosi are, along with so many more in so many states, carrying it out with these results:
They are creating policies to promote all of this.

Wonder from where the idea of Sanctuary Cities sprang?

You guessed it!

The New Urban Agenda
. @TuckerCarlson pointed out the INSANITY of the New Way Forward Act.

This is in lock step with the stated goals of the United Nation's New Urban Agenda.
These are three, very clear examples of what one state has managed to implement under the radar and without us realizing what the hell They were doing.

. @GavinNewsom and many like him now have the power of gods and billions of dollars to use at Their discretion.
And consider this:

This is not a Global Conspiracy to get rid of Trump, though I am certain they'd love to manage it somehow. 2030 is only 10 years away, after all...

This is happening in every nation on the planet, at the same time.

The New Urban Agenda is a Global Agenda.
Now take a look at this:
Guess which Government has long been "leading the way" in implementing the New Urban Agenda...

What happens in the next days and weeks is going to transform our society in irrevocable ways if we aren't very, very careful.

Closing stores, unemployment, the National Guard on our empty streets, illness, death...

Fear. Real fear is coming Patriots.

We must not flinch.
We must hold our local and state officials accountable for every penny they spend.

We must not give an inch on our civil rights.

We must not give way to panic or to public shaming for our views.

We need to be like . @SteveDeaceShow.

@threadreaderapp please unroll.
Sooooo relieved the UN has its priorities straight...


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