You always fight the last war. Much of the response we see in the WH, Congress and State Houses would have been welcome in the financial crash, a human-made economic collapse. We needed to keep the economy going while we unwound unworkable human contracts and expectations. 1/n
... punished bad actors and establish new contracts, regulations and ways of doing business. We made it more difficult than we needed to, but that was it. This is different, this is a public health crisis involving a dangerous virus we are only now trying to understand. 2/n
... the response to this crisis will need a complete shift in our economy. Everything becomes secondary to facilitating testing and finding interventions that ease the impact of the virus and a cure. This means most of us we will need to be assisted to stay out of the way 3/n
...That does mean also means that in the hort run things that will hurt our ability to stay out of the way like evictions, foreclosures, debt collections, etc. will need to be suspended and we'll need to know we will access to food, HVAC, etc. 4/n
...Once we have widespread testing and an understanding of the spread, and only then, it becomes possible to mobilize displaced workers to undertake activities to provide needed materials and further reduce the spread 5/n
... While the scale of the stimulus being discussed today would have been welcome the last crisis, this time the entire store is burning. Providing liquidity to continue business as usual while we clean up the mess on aisle four isn't going to cut it. 6/n
... So yes we absolutely need to provide robust assistance and relief so people can comfortably hunker down in their homes with all the food and medical attention they need but the focus needs to be on beating the virus not propping things up. This time it's different 7/7 end.
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