Better late than never:

There is little to no scientific evidence that iBrupofen and other #NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) worsen #COVID19 symptoms;

however, avoid NSAIDs where possible during this time unless directed otherwise by a medical professional.
I believe this rumour blew out of proportion when the French health minister Olivier Veran tweeted the dangers of NSAIDs with regard to COVD19. I can't refer you to the OP because his Twitter profile is now offline. This may have been the starting point of the whatsapp chain.
The whatsapp forward chain has been discredited by the Infectious Diseases Society of Ireland. The alleged 'Dr Tim' named in the whatsapp chain is said to be a part of @IDSIreland and they have issued an official "Ignore and delete". Refer:
Certain sites are claiming that the WHO is now recommending against the use of NSAIDs but I have yet to find reliable evidence of this. The claimed interactions with said media websites and Christian Lindmeier's (WHO Spokesperson) are unverifiable at this stage. Refer:
There is still confusion among the masses because some research regarding the potential adverse side effects of NSAIDs is valid. My additional research (on NSAIDs alone) suggests NSAIDs can have adverse side-effects on some individuals and patients of advanced age without the...
..additional variable of whether or not they are infected by COVID19. In those sensitive to NSAIDs, these effects are observed in the areas of the gastrointestinal tract, renal, and cardiovascular systems due to the nature of the drug. Refer:
The CEBM (centre for evidence-based medicine) consolidates a retrospective analysis from Taiwan (07-11) and a meta-analysis (16 case-controlled studies) that NSAIDs during acute respiratory infection (or influenza-like illnesses)...
..leads to higher risk (approx. twice as likely) of cardiovascular complications. The CEBM article also consolidates research on whether or not NSAIDs worsen respiratory infections.

The results are observational and non-conclusive, but suggests:
1. Prolonged hospitalisation of Immunosuppressed on NSAIDs
2. Masked initial symptoms (w/ regard to pneumococcal CA Pneumonia in studies) that delayed antimicrobial therapy.
3. Severe sepsis (: an extreme infection response) due to observation 2.

This could HYPOTHETICALLY suggest, that NSAIDs being used while infected with COVID19 would minimize the severity of symptoms of the underlying disease which could lead to delayed intervention by medical professionals treating this novel virus and its effects.
This 'NSAID Delay' could HYPOTHETICALLY have a correlation to the fatality rate of patients suffering from COVID19 on NSAIDs. There is not enough clean data at this point to even verify this. There are much more severe concerns to be addressed before research like this can begin,
But it will happen.

Use your best judgement and:

- avoid NSAIDs if you are/don't know if you are sensitive to them,
- if you are of advanced age or have preexisting conditions
- if you are showing influenza-like illness symptoms

AVOID IN GENERAL unless instructed by a doctor.
Finally, BIG DISCLAIMER: this is personal research for my own peace of mind + debunking fake info with referenced research to keep good information afloat during this critical time. Do your own research + add to this thread + correct me where wrong. No one's perfect.

Stay safe!
PS: thanks to everyone who sent me materials! 🙂
Additional update 19/3: I spoke to a leading researcher at The Clifford Craig research institute in Launceston, TAS. She said there’s ‘Rat Evidence’ that show observationally in rats that COVID19 maybe attaching to ACE2 receptors, the rate of which is influenced under NSAIDs
However, rat evidence is nowhere close to conclusive. She says that results skew with extreme variance when tests move to primates. Right now, it’s a waiting game for more tests.
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