I’ve been noticing a lot of exciting big and small innovations in blogging lately.

Here’s a thread of what I’m seeing 🧵
Post in Progress ⚠️

I like how @kurtkemple is playing around with what it means for a post to be finished 🌸 or a work in progress 🌱 https://twitter.com/kurtkemple/status/1239720869561335810
Blogging Honeypots 🍯

I’ve heard that @swyx sometimes creates placeholder posts on his blog. If he sees that enough people click through to it or there are requests for it to be written, then he writes it.
Blogging Primitives 🔠

@tomcritchlow recently wrote about the idea of blogging patterns/primitives and shared some of the ones he is finding useful, like the <detail> tag. https://tomcritchlow.com/2020/03/16/new-blogging-3/
Blog Chains ⛓

This post, by @tomcritchlow, and other are part of what he has termed “blog chains.” It’s a great concept that integrates well with the idea of a digital garden. https://tomcritchlow.com/2019/07/17/blogchains/
Make It Interactive 🎛

Several of @JoshWComeau's blog posts have interactive demos that he uses to teach concepts in an engaging way as you read through the post.
Ditch Chronology 📆

I feel like this post from @amyhoy, "How the Blog Broke the Web", is calling us back to hand crafted and curated webpages and blogs, rather than the hegemony of chronologically-sorted blogs. https://stackingthebricks.com/how-blogs-broke-the-web/
You can follow @jbrancha.
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