gonna start documenting life now that i’ve lost one job due to covid and i’m just waiting to lose the other one
yesterday i did all my laundry
today i put up clothes that hadn’t been put up since probably thanksgiving
today i found out my health insurance was terminated and i had to spend nearly $100 on medicine that is necessary to keep me from being a higher risk for covid than i already am
the governor announced today dining in at restaurants is no more. currently waiting to hear if i still have a job or not now.
also a tornado just hit literally minutes away from me it’s fine
i lost my job today. i found out when i got to work. my boss: “i posted it on facebook. you should’ve known from that.”

her post was a general post to the public saying that the dining room was closed, but take out & delivery are still open. that doesn’t tell me i lost my job.
hi i'd like to make a request that the arkansas division of workforce services phone line uses elevator music when people are on hold instead of this automated message on repeat
after church online today, we’ve been watching gardening videos on youtube. this is fun.
i got to see some of my friends last night via skype. it was great. i love my friends. i miss my friends.
the last two days have been fun. cj’s jeep had a cylinder misfire & the battery in my car went kaput so with my final paycheck today i bought a new battery.
also just applied for unemployment & had a spider hatch it’s babies all over me.
aaaaaaaand my car still won’t start with a brand new battery. really glad i don’t have a job to go to.
it’s been a minute since i’ve added anything to this thread. here’s an update:
•successfully got my unemployment figured out
•been on a lot of drives
•baked a bunch of things
•starting tilling a garden area
•lots of walks, some workouts
•A LOT of binge watching shows
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