Update from my mom’s pregnant chihuahua:
Babies Bump
The papa, Sebastian.
Mama, Savannah aka Martha, is currently giving ‘tude and scaring papa:
Album out soon
I was hot, I was young, and I was free. (Pre pregnancy)
Rest is best.
Waiting for a snack... would like multiple... for the babies.
I low key forgot about this thread
When you pregnant and uncomfortable
Savannah, aka Martha, would like to announce she hates it here
My mom has prepped the birthing room
We still don’t know a due date. Dogs are pregnant for like 2-2.5 months and my mom saw the “incident” before Valentine’s Day. So it’s a any day now thing cause she’s smol and the papa is also smol.
She would like to speak to a manager.
Would appreciate some help. This is getting out of hand.
I was shocked when my sent this. The babies are bigger than sis
My mom, the self proclaimed vet, estimated a due date...
Gearing up for: APRIL 19TH
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