This isn't the first fucked-up measure I've heard of that, intentionally or otherwise, clamps down on polycules and other kinds of chosen family in the context of the coronavirus.
For instance, this.
Like, I understand that the more people you have touching each other and breathing close together, the higher the risk. But from a COVID-19 transmission perspective, how is a threesome or orgy any different than a family with kids?
I don't have easy answers about how to manage risk when you're not either solo or in a pair (partners, roommates, whatever). But the answer is definitely not "stop having partners" any more than it is "stop having a family." This weird anti-sex, anti-romance approach is bullshit.
It's strangely reminiscent of bans on gay people donating blood. Which are there based on decades of homophobia, and have zero to do with actual risk. People's hatred of sexual difference is so very visible when fears of disease arise. It's illogical and unscientific every time.
Picking back up on this thread from 10 days ago - looks like New Zealand is using the concept of "bubbles" rather than couples or families to talk about isolation and social distancing. Excellent! We need more of this! Thanks @KatEschner for the tip.
Coming back once more to add another example of how knee-jerk policing (official and social) of coronavirus measures can be really shitty to folks outside the norm of heterosexuality as well as monogamy.
Another couple of things to add to this thread. Here's some virus-related gender policing in Japan... I mean sure, send the men to do the groceries. Because of course every household has a man. No dykes here! No single women! Nuh-uh!
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