THREAD: This is what it’s like when a restaurant closes during #coronapocalypse:

Today we picked up our final checks. We are all laid off & are eligible for #Unemployment. Our GM & Chef/Owner set up the dining room like a grocery store so we could walk around & take food home /1
It was incredibly sad. We tried to maintain our social distance, but we’re a family so some people hugged. I tried to be logical with my food choices, but it felt so overwhelming because of feels, plus most was perishable food /2
I made sure to get things I knew I’d eat: a lot of bread, some cheese, pasta, pickles, butter, eggs. I did take some smoked salmon, as well as some chicken & bacon to freeze, but left the Impossible patties, whole fishes, & duck for others /3
The haul once I got home. I regret not grabbing the last Ziploc bag of flour, but at least I got 3 rolls of toilet paper #SelfQuarantine /4
The now well-stocked fridge #SelfQuarantine /5
And of course I nabbed some sweets: Cardamom Spiced Donuts to dip into our famous Butterscotch Pudding with Salted Vanilla Caramel in the jars. The other “shots” are #CBD caramel, which we offer instead of the vanilla caramel, and it’s beyond yummy & WHEEEE /6
So while I might not starve immediately during #SelfQuarantine, it’s still heartbreaking to say goodbye to these wonderful people, not knowing when we’ll be able to go back to work. And now, we stay in place & ration, hoping this will be over well before “July or August” /end
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