sharing one of my all-time favorite poems and a beautiful tree from today’s walk - somehow, miraculously, it’s still spring
today's flower picture/poem duo, brought to you by Phillip Larkin:
rhododendron and Gerard Manley Hopkins, with bonus weird lens flair brought to you by me wiping condensation off my phone camera bc it was in my pocket during a run
today’s poem brought to you by the supremely talented @SaraKatherineM - i love it so much I want to eat it
more Mary Oliver today 💕
“It's good to treasure the gift, but good
to see that it wasn't really meant for you.
The feeling that it couldn't have been otherwise
is just a feeling.”
O you
were the best of all my days
Poem found in today’s run around Wallingford
What a prize
you are. What a lucky sack of stars.
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