Hey @sfwa members did you know that write-in candidate Lou Antonelli is the dude who, ahead of WorldCon in Spokane, contacted the police to "warn" them about the dangerous and unstable David Gerrold. Do you want someone with such poor judgment in a position of power in your org?
It's true that Lou did apologize. As you may have guessed, I had thoughts on that apology and how the community responded.

Bottom Line: Lou only apologized because reports of his actions spread farther than the Puppy community and the wider community (rightly) called him on it and he had to apologize to save face. At no time before it became widely known did he express regret.
And I should point out that this is ONE incident in a long history of incidents of Lou being inappropriate at best. Every story I've heard about him paints him as someone without good judgment who spews vitriol or worse at people he sees as "less than".
I'll leave you to guess who those people might be.

Or research on your own. Do some Googling. Ask people in the genre who've had to deal with him. Don't take my word for it. Here are some links to get you started.


Lou Antonelli full on engaged with this and attempted -- in a ham-handed, non-tech-savvy way -- to dox Camestros Felapton and reveal their real identity. The whole story is in the link above.

It's more proof that Lou doesn't have the temperament nor the judgment for... anything.
And then there's this.

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