a thread of magnus bane gifs made by me, because we all need more beautiful magnus in our lives 💜
I call this one "the panty dropper" for obvious reasons
me every day at 5pm (is there a more relatable man? I thought not)
🎶 dancing king, young and sweet, only 417 🎶
can u believe magnus "fuck the clave" bane actually ends up pounding the clave's own inquisitor. what a man
magnus bane really out there making portal creation look like one big elaborate "screw you."
alec grabs hold of that tiddy like it's the last roll of toilet paper in the grocery store
mr. bane about to get his kinky office roleplay on in public
petition to see magnus in a crown and nothing else
the most beautiful man in the world
there's a reason alec is on his knees here and the reason is that coat
listen, that coat does things to me
the hottest moment of any kiss in the history of kisses 💦
magnus bane is too powerful and magical for shirts, pass it on
how can one man be so hot and so cute at the same time. he's truly quite magical
excuse me while I go cry about trust and true love and soft longing glances
no wonder alec suddenly lost the ability to hit the broad side of a barn with his arrows. if I had to look at *that* before going into battle i'd be useless too
if you have questions or concerns never fear, magnus has the answer 🍸
what is it the kids used to say??
oh yeah....too hot hot damn
how alec managed to have an entire conversation without pulling magnus in by those gold jacket embellishments shall forever remain a mystery to us mere mortals
the most beautiful man in the world. confirmed.
entire institute taken out by one man's sexy jacket, news at 11
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