Working from home outfit, day 1: Usual trousers and shirt.
Working from home outfit, day 2: Jeans and T-shirt.
Working from home outfit, day 3: Distressed jeans and insecure T-shirt.
Working from home outfit, day 4: Decades-old dressing-gown with three (3) different soup stains down the front.
Working from home outfit, day 5: Black tie (from the waist up).
Working from home outfit, day 6: Shrouded in mystery.
Working from home outfit, day 7: Cosplaying as someone who owns more clothes than me.
Working from home outfit, day 8: Sports casual.
Working from home outfit, day 9: Sequinned hazmat suit.
Working from home outfit, day 10: Smoking jacket.
Working from home outfit, day 11: Extinguished jacket.
Working from home outfit, day 12: A loincloth made from the pelt of a hyena. I hadn’t realised north London had quite so many hyenas prowling the streets.
Working from home outfit, day 13: Aston Villa away kit 1995/96.
Working from home outfit, day 14: Keeping a safe distance of two metres from my clothes.
Working from home outfit, day 15: A Ted Baker shirt, a Tom Baker scarf and Kenneth Baker Brylcreem.
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