i honest to hod want to die
i see nothing in front of me but death and i want it already
i want the strength to do it
thats all i ask for
haha i read their entire TL to where i stopped last time around a month ago!!! this is fuckin self-harm!!!!!! i want to doe sonfuxkimg badly!!!!!!!!
oh my.god o eamt to fuckimg tjrow myself out of a brodge so fucking much
im so tored of crying im so tired of feeling likr thid
i miss you so fucking mucj it hurts a lot
i camt live like this im so so tired
i eamt to stop i wwnt thos to stop
fuck i eanr tonthrow my fucking phone into a wqll
its been two months today i dodnt even notoxe it
i thought it was supposed to hurt less but im fuckimg crying as much ws i dod in the first day
youre everything to me and i dont think thst woll ever change
i fuckin hate it
i hate ever meeting you fuck you
fucl you fuck toy ricl you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
i feel sl bad wishing your death but o cant take this anymore
if incanr be gone so at least you should
i hate how much you impacted my life i hste how you permeated into every crane pf my life i hate how fuckimg important you are to me

i fuxking hate it all eo much
why are you so spexial to me why why why ehy
everyone else pales in comparison everyone is nothing but you you fucking arent
i dont car eabout people i dont give a flying fuck sbout others
i can easily detach myself from others
i barely care about the people i left a year ago and i care just as much about the ones i abandoned two months ago
you were my only friend
in 19 years the first friend i ever had
am i scared of connecting to others? or is ot just thst i know no one will ever compare to you and im scwred of realiziamg tjst?
i am nothing wihtout you
i am nothing with you
but at least i could pretend otherwise
imreally really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry
if only i hadnt done that
of only i wasnt suxh a fucking selfish asshole disgisting
im tired tired tiree toree tired tired
hey do you know how easy would ot be for me like create a new identoy and just meet you again that way?
i can do it easily making new personalities is my forte
ive wonderong doing it ever sonce we broke up
but that feels really unfair for both you and especially mr
i think otd judt hurt ke far more in the long run
do you know howany different twotter accounts i have??? quite a bit wnd every very different fr.m the other
why are my intrusive suicidal thoughrs always about me emcraving my bodi with a knofe?
is that related to you i wondrr? you always liked stuff like this
man docyou remember how anxious i was at first when we met
you messaging me on discord wasnthe attraction of my day
i was feeling extremely lonely back then (not as much as rn) so the mere fact you took your time to waste it with me kade me extremely happy
i always felt bad that you had to waste ot woth someone as worthless as me.but i still really liked it
you  to w new geoup of froends thay too made ke really haply
oh you alsonmade me realize i was trans too it was our forst conversation in fact
spendomg tome worh you since the beginning was a great pleasure
it's why id basically do anything for you
making you happy made me even happier
after we staryed dating we essentially nspend all day together ot was really really incredible we even slept together
those days are my fondest memories

i know they dont mean as much for you since you dod ot for me but.... thank you
it made me really really really happy
once i warmed up to you it was wonderful
took a while but injever felt so comfortable around another person
you got ke into XIV a game i love
playing together woth you was wonderful too
im so sorry by the emd my depression got tje best of me and i didnt have motivation to play woth you or lulubo anymore
im really sorry lulubo for hurting you somich
it was so spexosl to you and i completely trampled on it
watchimg lamen rider double and john wick together were incredible too
im sorry for hurting you for not wanting to http://watch.OOO  anymore
im really really really sorry
im sorry anna flr making your life miserable i wqs duch a fuckimg bitch
i understand why you hate menso much but hate os probably too steong of a word whatever
ivknow you only dodnwhat you thought was the b st for her
i appreciate that
ans im sorru for being sicj a massive boring disappointment prime truly the dullest
im really likee you too and i was kust so fucking boring nregardless
rn i wouldnt say i like you as much as her but at the time definitely
and you... im really sorry flr hurting you so mich im so so so sorry
ismt ot funny how i tried my best to match to you your every interest, tonne er be confrontational smd never a problem
i wanted to be your safe heaven

someone you coulr be with woth zero fears
someone who wouldnalways lend a ear, be intimate, and just made yourself comfortable

no problem
i did succeed... well i think i dod at leasy
shame it backfired ugly latrr on
around october you..... staryed to sloely drift away
more and more with each week
it was.... devastating tonme
i dosnt know how to handle ot
i was scared of telling you about it because 1. i dodnt want to be a problem 2. i knew its because you made new friends and that made ke really happy indidnt want to ruin it
i thought incould just bottle it up
after all indod it many times before you eveb always told me o was emotionally steong

i could take it
bit every time i reached the tipping point od do something srupud likr all the times i asked for a break

i just couldn't nbear it anymore inwanted to get away tonget away from ot to get away from you
that ofc always playing into your trauma even of unintentionally
until ot culminated wotj me breakinf uo with you

in the most disgusting bway possible
i cried all day after the fact
the relief i thought od get never came, quite the opposite, it was far far far worse
so the jext day i apologized
i was scared but there wqsnnothing else notnworhout you
qnd..... that happened
i dont i ever cried so hard before
it hurtnlike hrll like fuckin hell
sonmych that she came to be and then the next day begged in my stead for you to rethink it
shes still here of you were wondering
anywyw ibhad to wait untol tjen third month - whocj would be today funnily enough
how fixoimg ironic
but i couldnt handle it a week without you was hell horriblenthe worst
so o contacted you over and over again which myjust msde the situation worse
i jever contacted you directly aside from that tome because anna scared me so o alawya made her do it
is that even a thing anymore? i think yiure pretty much ober me already which os fantastic

im haply for you
its why i dont really oolant to recontact you once the time comes

im nithing but a relic of the past that shouldnbe just forgotten
im also scared really really scared
i think noe more than ever

itll be obvious jow boringf, uniterestinfx dull, and apathetic o am
youll just scorn at mr rightfully so
i am just a husk and have always been
im not 100% what ks this feeling

but i do love you ashley
thsnk you for being someone i could love for over a year i never felt likr that before
and i have my doubts if i ever will again
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