Day 2 of #selfisolation: fresh air not so easy in Scotland due to inclement weather - almost got blown off my balcony just now after venturing out in a rare moment of no rain.
Day 3 of #selfisolation: started badly with bad allergies (I hope and nothing else!) brought on by dust after doing a lot of cleaning yesterday but got better as the sun shone (briefly) and I had a nap before lunch.
Day 4 of #selfisolation: finally managed to get out for a walk in the park, saw lots of people out and about as if everything was normal when it's not 😱
Day 5 of #selfisolation: another beautifully sunny spring day in Glasgow for the equinox. I am reflecting a lot on some of the good experiences I've been privileged to have e.g. this time last year in Hong Kong when I lived on the quiet island of Peng Chau 
Day 6 of #SelfIsolation: now it's officially spring, time to get planting! Fortuitously I bought these seeds a few weeks' ago for balcony/windowsill gardening.
Day 7 of #SelfIsolation: the flat has never been cleaner, so time to clean up the balcony. Finding yuck stuff like cigarette butts in the gaps between the wooden decking. 🤢
Day 8 of #SelfIsolation - weekly (+ if possible) grocery time. Most essential purchase: box of red wine 🍷
Day 9 of #SelfIsolation: my left foot and leg is kinda sore from lack of movement so I may be forced into being more active, not easy as I'm quite lazy and indisciplined but needs must.
Day 10 of #SelfIsolation: well I did some capoeira training yesterday evening and just been out on my daily walk today, leg is better but need to keep up this level of activity. Also, not many people observing the 2 metre rule when out and about...
Day 11 of #selfisolation: left leg still stiff. More exercise needed. I am trying to write something too, it's been so hard to do anything productive in this period but then it's a pandemic, not a sabbatical as many others have said.
Day 12 of #selfisolation: left leg still stiff today but I did yoga poses recommended by @AriAround which helped and I've improvised a standing desk so 🤞. Shoots of lettuce are beginning to appear less than a week after I planted them 🥬
Day 13 of #SelfIsolation: I am about to polish off a sizeable package of dried figs. Instant gratification (and a sugar overdose) is currently preferable to a more ration/al and ration/ed approach.
Day 14 of #selfisolation - thinking of island life again, this time Shetland from a few weeks' ago, specifically St Ninian's Isle and tombolo #PictureOfABeach
Day 15 of #SelfIsolation - weekly supermarket shop, saw staples like pasta, flour, oats, passata back in stock 🍝🥣
Day 16 of #SelfIsolation: just gone out for my government mandated exercise - a bike ride to Kelvingrove Park 🚲
Day 17 of #selfisolation: government mandated walk to and in Glasgow Green 🌲
Day 18 of #selfisolation: zoom, zoom, zoom... too much videoconferencing, not enough capoeira
Day 19 of #selfisolation: morning capoeira, after lunch bike ride, will I be running next?! 🤣
Day 20 of #selfisolation: Saturday is pizza and focaccia day, normally they get eaten immediately but time today for a snap
Day 21 of #selfisolation: my descent/ascent into middle class middle age continues with the discovery of Radio 3.
Day 22 of #SelfIsolation: 2 years ago exactly I visited Xi Hu (West Lake) in Hangzhou for the first time on a beautiful spring day.

The statue is Huang Binhong (黃賓虹) a famous painter and art historian who lived nearby
Day 23 of #selfisolation: my uncle, a seasoned gardener and home food-grower, made this video for anyone wanting to start growing their own food at home without much space/items, check it out!
Day 24 of #selfisolation: another long walk by the canal. Definitely people not practising social distancing - and I don't mean coming close to others walking around - I mean hanging out with people not in their household 😱
Day 25 of #selfisolation: Creme Eggs are getting me through this week (month? year?) 🍫
Day 26 of #selfisolation: Creme Egg offset by yoga
Day 27 of #selfisolation: Saturday is just pizza day today, last week's pizza and focaccia was a carb overload not to be repeated
Day 28 of #selfisolation: 4 weeks exactly so far which might explain why today I thought it would be interesting to try a little tumeric in my morning coffee - actually tasted good!
Day 29 of #selfisolation: out for weekly shop, lots of people covering their faces with masks or whatever else they can find. It's not the UK government advice but as we know the gov is behind (deliberately?) on everything related to this virus.
Day 30 of self-isolation: I've reached the next stage of doomsday prepping - not wanting to throw out anything that could be reused in some way.
Day 31 of self-isolation: 1 month now by anyone's count. The days are getting longer, we're coming into the good time of year at this latitude - evening walks in the park now possible, and against a stunning sunset yesterday. Daytime writing still a challenge, time for pomodoros!
Day 32 of #SelfIsolation: the raspberry shrub is emerging
Day 33 of #selfisolation: a lot more people around Glasgow city centre today which I don't think is a good thing.
Day 34 of #SelfIsolation: reusing and repurposing a hand made and painted wooden fish key ring and blue string from a fancy pack of biscuits
Day 35 of #selfisolation: cooking with shallots today for the first time in years 🧅
Day 36 of #SelfIsolation: baked bread which is not focaccia for the first time thanks to @Derblin_Randall advice. The shape isn’t great proof of the pudding will be in its eating at lunch.
Day 37 of #selfisolation: there has been a CRAZY BIG FIRE on some hills outside Glasgow - huge plumes of smoke yesterday evening and then I could actually see the glow of the fire once night fell. Never seen anything like it before despite living in AUS.
Day 38 of #SelfIsolation: hello insomnia my old frenemy 😪
Day 39 of #selfisolation: discounted Easter chocolate has been getting me through this week but is now finished 😭
Day 40 of #selfisolation: too much screen time, getting restless again and really wish I could get a tuina massage ☺️
Day 41 of #SelfIsolation #buon25aprile celebrating with espresso post-pizza post Bella Ciao balcony singing
Day 42 of #SelfIsolation: made cookies for the first time in years.

I may also have finally worked out how to use pomegranate molasses, namely dilute them in olive oil and za’atar.
Day 43 of #selfisolation: after a few days of trying to be good and healthier and eat sparingly pieces of dark chocolate, I'm back on the discounted Easter eggs 🥚🍫
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