i think starfleet lily is half vulcan and she at first tried very hard to follow the vulcan way but then failed. in her 20s she's an ensign who starfleet feels iffy abt promoting despite her competence bc of her...........volatilty.
she goes on to either be ship's doctor or a chief science officer later in life. i think originally she wanted to be an ambassador but then became too much of a nerd
i like doctor actually. she just never gets promoted so she reconsiders her career then goes back to starfleet academy to do med school.
i do really believe in half-vulcan lily considering her upbringing but i will also say that half-klingon ambassador k'ehleyr is REALLY REALLY like her
half-klingon lily is also really viable. in this case the scopes are humans. but for half-vulcan lily the scopes are vulcan and that's more fitting for the scopes.
so i made this thread before watching ds9 and now i'm really torn. on the one hand lily being the galaxy's worst (half-)vulcan is a great concept. on the other hand its literally canon that the cardassians express attraction through antagonism
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