@VirginRadioUK Morning Chris and team. As the concerns around coronavirus seem to grow more every day, I rang my parents last night And suggested to them that my 91-year-old gramp Move in with them for a while. His wife, my nan, Now lives in a care home, and has Alzheimer’s and
Dementia. It’s likely they will stop allowing visitors in the coming weeks. A couple of weeks ago my Nan was taken to hospital having suffered a fall, whilst in hospital it was found she has lung cancer and only has months to live. I fear there will come a day
That the care and treatment my nan is receiving, will come to an end, and unfortunately it seems likely she will die alone. Something many people are going to experience over the coming weeks and months.
Given the likelihood of a lockdown, and him being alone during this crisis, It only seems right to ask him to move in with them. He lives in a one bedroom flat in Oxford, my parents live in a four bed House several miles away. Let’s open peoples minds, as I did my parents
With that phone call last night. There IS more we can do for the vulnerable ones around us. My mum herself works in the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, and she herself goes to work each day not knowing what her day will be. Stay safe everyone.
@theJeremyVine @BBCRadio2 read this thread I wrote a couple of weeks ago. Relevant to today’s show regarding care homes
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