There’s going to be so many bookcases to nose at in the next few weeks aren’t there? #workingfromhome
#BookcaseWatch Nice shelf lighting from Dame Joan. Doors too. Classy, as you’d expect. #newsnight
One from the vaults - Grant Shapps seemingly unaware how book shelves work. #BookcaseWatch
#bookcasewatch You’re not judging me by my book shelves. Look at my ceiling tiles losers!
Slim pickings on the book shelf front this morning.
MFI guy, retractable screen guy & back bedroom guy #BookcaseWatch
70s Graphic Equaliser Guy is back! What is that thing? #BookcaseWatch
This one is sat in the local Chinese takeaway, waiting for his order. #bookcasewatch
Never trust anyone without a bookcase #bookcasewatch
A fine bookcase. Shite webcam though. #BookcaseWatch
#Bookcasewatch Ikea? Not an inch of space wasted. Impressive. You might have wanted to hide the Hitler books though. #newsnight
Another from the vaults. Dominic Raab and his book collection. #BookcaseWatch
WE HAVE A WINNER! #BookcaseWatch
Bookcase giving off Argos vibes. Plenty of head room on each shelf for easy access. Good quality webcam too. #bookcasewatch
Jon Ashworth and his wallpaper. No bookcase as this cost him £60 a roll. #BookcaseWatch
I know the best place to Skype from on national telly. The boiler room, you know where all the wires are hanging out the wall? Next to that pile of crap. #bookcasewatch
#BookcaseWatch Airing Cupboard Lady, Lever Arch Guy & Nice Candle Man from today’s contributors.
I don’t read books #bookcasewatch
FFS Lidders, sort your office out! It’s a mess! #bookcasewatch #newsnight
Look at all my books! Look at all my books! Look at all my books! Just look at all my books! They touch the sky! (I actually bought a couple of them with my own money) #bookcasewatch #skypapers
#BookcaseWatch I got books, they’re multiplying. And I’m losing control...
Iain Duncan Smith, seemingly flying into the sun and melting on his father-in-law’s estate. #newsnight #bookcasewatch
What books has he got there? #BookcaseWatch (H/T @PlopGazette for the tip off)
#BookcaseWatch No books here, but some tidy brickwork. Nice pointing. I bet the room gets dusty though.
#BookcaseWatch Plenty of room for some new books there. Possibly allocates shelves alphabetically by ranges. It would explain the gaps.
Yeah the band still plays a bit. The odd wedding and New Years do. 80s covers mostly. Bit of Madness and Police. I do my Ali Campbell. We’re called UB50. #BookcaseWatch
#BookcaseWatch Music was my first love, and it’ll be my last, don’t look in the boxes.
Choir-nazi Gareth Choir in his Choir Cave.
What a horrible room. Looks like a corporate toilet. #BookcaseWatch
BBC now stands for Back Bedroom Cam. #newsnight #bookcasewatch
Has he been burgled? #BookcaseWatch #newsnight
Of course he has a Matt cartoons compilation book. Faced outward. #bookcasewatch
#Bookcasewatch Well I put the first two shelves up, then realised there wasn’t room for the one on the other wall. Yes everything falls off the ends.
#BookcaseWatch Everyone nails all their family photos together into one big mess of a thing. Everyone.
#BookcaseWatch Yes I’ve been to all those countries. But everyone only ever wants to talk about the baby elephant thing.
Wasn’t ‘Christina Patterson’ the woman in the audience for the One Man Two Guvnors show on last week? Also, what has she got in those books? #skypapers #bookcasewatch
#BookcaseWatch Brendan O’Neill live from his dark web dungeon.
#bookcasewatch I like books. Thick books. Big thick books. Never read them.
IDS with a fetching pair of earrings. #BookcaseWatch
Actually it’s Sir David. I find lamp shades a distraction. And the blinding light helps hide the damp patch on the ceiling. #BookcaseWatch
#BookcaseWatch I’ll put more shelves up when I’ve got more books. Stop judging me on my lack of books.
#BookcaseWatch Bit too much coving if you ask me, or is it a cornice? I’m never sure. Makes you wonder what it is covering over.
‘Treatment of Cancer’ is such a great musical. #BookcaseWatch
Yes the door hits the paper tray every time I open the door. I should move it really. #BookcaseWatch
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