🥴🥴🥴Thinking how easy it'd be for Drago to manhandle me and break my spine🥴🥴🥴
tbh Drago would be the best stay-at-home boyfriend during this quarantine nonsense

I'd get all the exercise I need, running for my life through my apartment as he smashes things around and screeches for food
He refuses to absolutely wear any clothes, be they shirts, pants or underwear.

After negotiations (Read: me screaming in pain with my arm held behind my back), I have managed to convince him that my beach towel is an appropriate loincloth for a #Sergal of his stature.
Contrary to popular belief, I am alive.

It was not hard to explain why there are #Sergal dakis of Rain, Kadd, Leeric..

What was hard, however, was explaining why there isn't a Drago Daki

Good morning

feeling a tad sore, but

I did not expect breakfast in bed.

My #Sergal misunderstood what I meant by "grab a plate"

He ripped out an entire tray from the fridge and brought it as a platter to me.
He would be a good boyfriend, though

I say, sitting here, with the refrigerator tray in my lap, as he stares me down hungrily

I take a bite out of the stick of butter, before dipping it in the pickle jar brine as to not offend him.
Man eats #Sergal breakfast in bed, artist's rendition via @TaiJonesArts circa 101RC
I have just noticed giant teeth marks on the fridge.

That's not what I meant by "take a bite out of the fridge".

I fear my #Sergal self might be a bit of a dummy
The bath tub drain is clogged


For the fourth time this week

God, he stinks like an animal



It's midnight here and he just realized there's a light inside of the refrigerator.

He keeps opening and closing the door. Absolutely mesmerized.

I can't sleep.
Human can't sleep because #Sergal keeps slamming open and shut a refrigerator door, mesmerized by light.

#Vilous circa 101RC, colorized

🎨Art by the wonderful @Odd_Sergal !!
Good morning

I can't feel anything from abdomen down.

I have over a hundred kilograms of #Sergal , snoring heavily on me.

I can't move

I need to pee

Send help
Oh heavens he finally rolled off of me and thudded onto the floor.

As soon as the pins and needles sensation wears off I'll see if I can walk again.

He's still asleep.

He's snoring like a motor, slowly.
I can hear the downstairs neighbor pounding at the ceiling with a broomstick.


You know not what you are doing.

Please, I'm begging you, for your sake, don't wake the beast...
To no-one's surprise.

He woke up. Furious.

With his slumber quaked, he stomped across the floor harder, much to the downstairs neighbour's dismay, and everyone else within hearing range of his roaring, as he demanded of me... a Shovel

Because he wants to fight the mole-people.
The wrath of the beast was assuaged with the snack known as Pringles

Of the Sour cream and Onion variety

And now he slumbers yet again.

Y'know, all in all, even though he's made a bed out of the refrigerator... he looks rather peaceful, with his braids undone.

Like a prince.
He's still asleep, but I noticed a very strong, pungent smell of fish coming from my kitchen this morning.

I walked in, the floor is littered with open cans.

The sink is full of minced tuna, sardines of various kind, tomato juice everywhere.

I think he wanted to free the fish.
For those wondering, he's awake and relatively quiet.

I was wrong about him being dim, he asked for a book to read while I work.

I gave him a history book about Alexander the Great.

A few pages in, he starts laughing

"That's what Grandmother would do!"

Bless you, dear boy.
He spent the last 3 hours crying because of how it ended for the great Alexander.

I had to console him in the fact that, just like Alexander the Great, so too, was his Grandmother immortalized in many stories, depictions, and artworks.

I pray he does not learn of the internet.
He can read a book, but he cannot grasp the concept of a window.

I stare in disbelief as he watches birds outside the balcony and plants his snoot head up against the glass, screaming about magic keeping him away from his prey.
Today I will introduce him to the wonders of..


Yes that's right folks, I may or may not have a deathwish, which I will test against the big lumbering almost 7 foot #Sergal in my abode.

Will the sound of kernels popping, induce him a state of panic or will bewilderment?
As I posted earlier, popcorn is his new favorite snack.

What I failed to mention, however, is how incredibly wholesome, silly and adorable he looks when trying to eat them, with different methods.

Keep in mind that Drago, as a #Sergal, only has 6 teeth per each side of his maw.
He tried tossing a full fist in his maw, didn't go well, but he giggled and laughed after coughing them all out!

Then he picked ONE SINGLE Pop kernel with his taloned fingers, delicately, I should say, after five or six failed attempts...

Then munched on it very slowly. Bless.
Today I woke up late, having overslept after movie night with Drago, I found him stuck with his head in the washing machine.

He was screaming that the metal box was trying to vore him.

I didn't even bother asking how or why. This is my life now.
Pre-bedtime update, today was a busy day, coddling the lunk as he was a bit shook up after freeing him from the metal box prison.

Let me tell you, a giant 7foot tall shuddering #Sergal is mushy and malleable. Poor thing, claustrophobia hit hard while he was stuck.

Good Morning.

I have noticed some Pros and Cons when having naptime with a #Sergal


- You sleep next to a warm giant furry oven
- They smell nice sometimes (all the time)
- Big and fluffy


-If they roll over you, you get smothered
-They drool a lot
-Sharp talons
In retrospect, the cons are actually pros too.
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