Day one of quarantine:
Day two of quarantine:
“Yeah, head shoulders knees and toes, that’s what you do before you enter a church”
Day three of quarantine:
It is now 5:00 and the only thing I’ve eaten today is a croissant
Day four of quarantine:
DPC is getting on discord at 2 so in the meantime I’m doing an in home lab experiment for anatomy that includes a cucumber and maple syrup🥒
Day five of quarantine:
My sister and her boyfriend pre-ordered animal crossing for me and I am currently counting down until 9:00 west coast time when I can play it. At this exact moment it’s 6 hours and 55 minutes away
Day six of quarantine:
I have payed one of my debts to Tom Nook already and opened a museum. My islands name is Callisto after one of the moons of Jupiter. DPC is also going on a group video call again. Life is good.
Day seven of quarantine:
I have developed a sore throat and a bit of a cough. Slowly one by one I can feel my family turning against me. If I don’t continue this thread tomorrow, you know why.
Day eight of quarantine:
I put a slit in my eyebrow using concealer just to see what it would look like and I kinda don’t hate it??? Idk I think quarantine is finally getting to me
Day nine of quarantine:
My head kinda hurts and I’m still sick with a sore throat, but on the plus side I learned about 4 new Tik Tok dances
Day ten of quarantine:
I am starting to lose my voice and I had to skip both of my zoom classes today because of how much I’m coughing. Idk how the fuck I got sick IN QUARANTINE or who’s SICK joke this is, but I am straight up not having a good time >:(
Day eleven of quarantine:
This thread is about to get much longer because they extended our shit to MAY 1ST🥴
Day twelve of quarantine:
I’m still sick, but I painted today and watched anime
Day thirteen of quarantine:
Yesterday I woke up at 2 in the afternoon. Today I woke up at five in the morning. Time doesn’t exist in quarantine. I checked my phone when I woke up and was appalled it’s already Friday.
Day fourteen of quarantine:
I had a dream a girl was kidnapped from a beach arcade and I figured out who did it so they tried to kill me. Not sure what that means but it was wild
Day fifteen of quarantine:
I started watching The Promised Neverland at like 2 in the morning and finished it all in one sitting. I also keep thinking I’m hearing Bennie and the Jets in ACNH. I’m going crazy
Day sixteen of quarantine:
As I was typing this tweet I almost put “day sixteen of animal crossing” so that should really put into perspective where I’m at rn
Day seventeen of quarantine:
I left my house for the first time since all of this started to grab the last of my stuff from my locker, I talked with DPC after being sick for a while, and I decided I’m not going to college this year. Today was eventful
Day eighteen of quarantine:
My first meal of the day was at 4:00 and it was a bowl of fruity lucky charms
Day nineteen of quarantine:
I talked to Dylan until six in the morning and then got up for a zoom call at 11:30 only to find out after that at 1:30 I was supposed to start a unit final for anatomy. But I also watched Onward from Pixar so like yin yang I guess
Day twenty of quarantine:
I woke up at 6:00 today😳
Day twenty one of quarantine:
I have just learned tigers can contract corona virus and it’s honestly the worst news I‘ve gotten this week
Day twenty two of quarantine:
I once again went to bed at 6 am, but I finished a book and started reading It again, so it was actually a pretty productive day
Day twenty three of quarantine:
Chatted with DPC today and it’s honestly always my favorite part of the week. I miss all those hoes😔 I mess the outside world in general at this point :/
Day twenty four of quarantine:
I picked up piano again. So far I’ve learned Victors solo from corpse bride, the entertainer, moonlight sonata, the wii theme, and city of stars.
Day twenty five of quarantine:
I got a field trip bz calendar notification because today we were supposed to go to the MOMA and tomorrow I was supposed to be leaving on my three day retreat with DPC, so in conclusion. I’m FUCKING SAD
Day twenty six of quarantine:
I finally showed up to AP Gov for once and Eck told me I’ve always had potential, I did yoga with Z and a bunch of other teachers, got on a call with DPC at 1, and called Mandel about a project. Now it’s “spring break” and I’m chillin
Day twenty seven of quarantine:
I wanted to kill someone during Mario Party, but I also made Rice Krispie bunnies
Day twenty eight of quarantine:
I’ve completely gotten ready for the first time in months today because my mom wanted us to look nice to eat dinner for Easter and I practically jumped at the chance to get in the car to go pick up eggs from my aunts porch. I miss people.
You can follow @yakjessica.
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