Movie #1 of the AFF (Apocalypse Film Festival) is Edgar Wright’s THE WORLD’S END! Follow along! I’ll make a Letterboxd list soon.
Some of y’all have been following along with the Scary Boyz Film Club...well...for the time being, let’s watch some apocalyptic movies and discuss! 
Movie #2 of the AFF is 2013’s THIS IS THE END. Along with last night’s movie, we’re keeping the mood light early on. Things WILL get darker.
Movie #3 of the AFF is 2015’s IT FOLLOWS. I am curating for an audience of one, and this person doesn’t really watch movies less than 10 years old. Plus, this one fits the viral outbreak theme pretty well. I also happen to love it. We will get to the classics soon.
Movie #4 of AFF: Alfred Hitchcock’s REAR WINDOW? Too on the nose? Probably. But we are trying to keep it fresh up top before eventually dive down into the weird stuff.
Movie #5 of AFF: 1986’s THE FLY. I think it fits the theme. Body Horror at its most grotesque. Also...we love a 96 min classic.
Movie #6 of the AFF: One of the Showa-Era standout offerings—GHIDORAH, THE THREE-HEADED MONSTER! Godzilla movies are sorta end of times-themed, so I figured why not. Might even tack another one on after this!
Movie #7 of AFF: Terminator 2: Judgment Day—what can I really say? Best action movie ever made? Certainly the best sequel.
This AFF (Apocalypse Film, Food, and Music Festival) thread will now feature reviews from my partner—a 28 year old woman who does not “like” movies. Terminator 2 was the first to get a thumb up, one thumb down! Not bad!
Movie #8 of AFF: Richard Curtis’ ABOUT TIME. Doesn’t fit the theme at all but it is very good! Very good!
Two thumbs up from my partner on ABOUT TIME. It’s a banger, y’all!
Movie #9 of AFF: STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE! Sundays are for marathons now. This is where we begin! (Yes on Easter it’ll be LOTR)
Two thumbs down from Jenn. She says “very boring”.
Movie #10 of AFF: STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! The marathon continues!
Movie #11 of AFF: STAR WARS EPISODE VI: RETURN OF THE JEDI! My favorite of the trilogy since I was a little kid. I still dig the set pieces and creatures.
Two thumbs down from Jenn on ESB and one thumb up, one thumb down on ROTJ giving the trilogy a total of 5 thumbs down, one thumb up!
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