day 2 of social distancing: xbox servers have gone down & my boyfriend is NOT happy about having to hang out w me without being to block me out while playing UFC
update: they are back up & he wants to be near me again
today he said “I’m just glad you don’t look like a toe without makeup”
today we watched Up & when Carl started steering the house with the curtains he said “oh yeah I’m so sure.” but had nothing to say about how the house is floating by balloons
he’s doing yoga now
day 5 of social distancing: were in a fight over this, “you get what you get & you-
loser has to do 40 jumping jacks
after adding up mine & his votes.... i did 40 jumping jacks
I said my head hurt & i asked him to give me some medicine. he just threw all these at me & said “quicker i give them to you quicker you’ll shut up”
he won’t make me a hot pocket so we’re breaking up
He just said to himself “the fifa gods don’t want me to win this game”

someone get me out of here
They just announced San Antonio is going on lockdown & he is running around yelling “THE BRITISH ARE COMING”
he’s recording music now & going “that was great everyone, once again from the top”
He’s yelling “PREPARE FOR THE ICE AGE” in the grocery store
we bought disposable cameras to document our time locked up together
he said he’s about to make me the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had... we’ll see
it was grilled cheese I’ve ever had. there was bacon
whenever he’s being mean i go towards the Xbox like I’m going to turn it off & suddenly he’s nice
my mom told me she was sending me something she had ordered for me & him & theyre MATCHING MICKEY AND MINNIE MASKS I’m screaming they’re so cute
i just let him paint my nails & while doing it he said “you have boyfriend?”
I had a dream last night he cheated on me so when he wakes up I’m gonna pick a fight
“if a 12 year old turns 13 during the quarantine are they a quaran-teen?”
he just said “it’s like I’m in jail with a really hot cell mate” hehe :)
y’all he woke up at 3:30 today & has been napping for over an hour which means he’ll wake up in a few hours and be asleep till like 6 pm tomorrow
i think he made friends w 8 year olds playing online
he’s giving them relationship advice “no money no honey”
he’s still asleep & I’m hungry
he’s playing with the 8 year olds again
I have a headache so I’ve been quiet & he just did a dumb dance in front of me & i smirked & he said “i just wanted you to smile” im crying he’s cute
he let me win at Mario Party which is just... i don’t know if he’s feeling okay
I asked him if he would date me if i was worm & he said only if i was an Alaskan bullworm
we woke up at 4 pm today & somehow he’s asleep again
he just asked me to watch #TheBachelorLTYH .... SUCCESS
we took a 2 hour nap at 1 am & haven’t gone back to bed
he just woke up kinda & said he was gonna close his eyes again but if he had something funny to say he would wake up????
i just sneezed & he didn’t bless me so i guess he wants me to die
every time we do something funny he tells me it would go viral on tik tok so i think he wants to make tik toks....
he just tickled me on the floor & i kicked over his electric drum set.... bet he won’t tickle me anymore
i can never ask “you wanna go?” like if he wants to go somewhere cause he’ll go “you wanna fight or what?”
im having an emotional moment because we painted together all day today & it makes me happy to have found someone who likes seeing & making art with me too. i luv. okay goodnight
nvm he won’t share his white paints with me
something about waking about 5 pm and eating breakfast at 6 while listening to John Mayer
dude every night he plays apex at like 4 am with his friends with his headset & shit as if I’m not in bed asleep right next to him. i should buy ear plugs.
and then they place 15th??? waking me up to lose
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