Putting together some Tik Toks on safety net programs (our last unit to cover in Public Econ). You can follow them here as I upload them or you can follow me on the app @econ_misconceptions!
First video is up!
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the largest nutritional assistance program in the US. Come and learn ya self:
Can’t stop, won’t stop. #TANF is workfare!
WIC: expectations vs reality
More memes for @causalinf. This one on the timing of different benefit programs! EITC= earned income tax credit, the largest cash transfer program in the US (~$34bil)!
Come and get your daily dose of learning, this time about unemployment insurance (part 1)
Part 2
I’m so sorry
More memes about SNAP as demanded!
Inequality in the US has been growing over time! Do we need to worry about it? Will it ever go away? Hmmm... something to think about as we are learning about the different safety net programs.
Let’s talk about WIC, baby!
WIC has many more food restrictions than SNAP:
Seems relevant
Substitution and income effect time! Thinking about taxes and phaseouts this week
Did you know that Head Start funding went towards making the show that is now known as “Sesame Street”? Time for more learning!
Not sure if you should apply for SNAP, WIC, TANF, etc? Take a seat:
Thinking about Social Security this week! Decided to use a new model for this video:
Am I cool yet @causalinf
More Social Security!
Social Security makes up nearly 25% of the budget! Let's learn some facts:
How can we improve the long-run viability of Social Security? Let's talk about it in part 2!
Another meme, this time about medicaid/medicare (volume on)
You can follow @analisapackham.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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