Can you write a similar long form for private equity covering PE partners, portfolio companies, the junk bond offering in a deal and the buyout fund investors? Thanks
"don't worry about the title on your business card. You're a venture capitalist now. Do as venture capitalists do. Find, Decide, Win, Help, Exit - those are the 5 parts of the job. Work on them all"
by @nbt
slightly different frameworks and nomenclature;
- "sourcing, selection, and stewardship,"
- "see, pick, win, steer" and
- "access, judgment, winning, helping," for instance.
what are the details a VC will have to layout for an LP?
- fund size, fund theme, hurdle rate, fund life, deal structure (protecting risk), management fees, carry
- VC returns work on Power Law - 10x in 10 years, 25-35% annualized
by @simplanations
is venture capital easier than product management? an attempt at mapping respective tasks
silicon (whale)y; the arc of venture capital is a story of determined individuals betting on the long tail (/me thinks, is it actually 'fat tail') & more importantly, of spending a lifetime discovering the niche exceptions that prove a new rule
by @ani_pai
- hunting whales is only the first part of this > whaling created the organizational model that VCs use today
- crew owned ‘lay’ or equity ownership on the voyage
- gold exploration & oil wildcatting, have been characterized by long-tail outcomes
- Henry Goldman's underwriting concept based on their earning power
- Georges Doriot, the father of vc (ARD)
- vc is still a relatively marginal asset class
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