Crisis is always hard for the personality, but it’s good for the soul. Because it pushes us to evolve in areas where we are stuck.

One of the biggest places where we get stuck is in not understanding why we have chosen certain experiences.
For the souls that incarnate as intuitive sensitives one of your biggest lessons is to heal your relationship with your power. This means you will have had many experiences where you have given your power away. These are some of the most difficult.
Intuitive sensitives have a really difficult time accessing their own power because they believe that power means abuse. They feel that those who have power are corrupt and so naturally they reject their own power. This cycle of learning is coming to a close.
One of the primary programs that needs to be removed in order to heal this fracture and reintegrate these soul fragments is “learned helplessness”. Notice how often you decide you’re not strong enough to handle something because you’re sensitive.
This is why for Intuitive Sensitives i can not enable powerlessness. I can’t and I won’t listen to any stories about how your sensitivity is a weakness. This is where my unconditional love turns into tough love. Because I know the lessons will get harder if you don’t master this
The victim-perpetrator template is an important step in human evolution but there is much more to see beyond that. Take as long as you need there to learn what you need from playing roles on either side. And when you have what you need, let it go. Transform the entire framework
When you are ready, examine your shadow in relationship to power. Look at your judgments about people who hold power and notice the story you are operating from. Honor that story or framework as it was appropriate at one time and now it no longer is.
The energetic blueprint for being an intuitive sensitive and also being fully in your power, is anchored and available to be downloaded and integrated. You may be getting ready to embody it and can ask your higher self to support you in being initiated into this reality full time
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