🇦🇺 knowing The Enemy
🇪🇸 Conociendo "al Enemigo"
Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China
First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States | NEJM
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191#.Xm3oDMgNNHI.twitter #COVID19
Guía Mundial para Fisioterapia y COVID19 (240320), en cuidados agudos para adultos con #COVID19 (o sopecha)
COVID-19 Illness in Native and Immunosuppressed States: A Clinical-Therapeutic Staging Proposal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healun.2020.03.012Reference:HEALUN #HostInfamatoryResponsePhase #AIRDS #COVID19 @SaludPublicaEs
Why isn't the Covid-19 mass test done right away?
Automation and the Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7554798Nothing,
It is the best way to contain the outbreak and could be used globally at little cost #COVID19
Uso de mascarillas quirúrgicas y máscaras FFP en las precauciones de aislamiento de los centros sanitarios, Guía de la SOGAMP (Sociedade Galega de Medicina Preventiva)2015. [ http://files.sogamp.webnode.es/200000031-aa453ab3b3/GuiaMascarasSOGAMP_vES%20-281-29.pdf] [Consulta: 30/03/2020]
Guía Clínica de derivación a fisioterapia respiratoria y COVID19 http://ejercicioterapeuticouma.es/guia-clinica-de-derivacion-a-fisioterapia-respiratoria-y-covid19/ traducido y adaptado de @rachaelmoses
Guia Mundial en Español facilitada por la Asociacion Española de Fisioterapuetas (AEF)
http://www.aefi.net/Portals/1/coronavirus/Physiotherapy_Guideline_COVID-19_V1_FINAL_SPANISH%20pdf%20pdf.pdf @aefisio @WCPTfuture @WCPT1951 @wcptOHE
🔥online 6April by @TheLancet #COVID19
Intensive care management of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): challenges and recommendations
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30161-2/fulltext#.Xo2PS0YLknE.twitter by https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/researchers/phua-jason/ President, Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Singapore
During #COVID19 and #PostCOVID19, Physios must be understood better the pathogenesis, but the know-how in diseases could be support NOW; Still's disease (with Macrophage activation syndrome) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30077425 
@eular_org @PhilipGardiner @reumacia
@IDSAInfo Guidelines on the Treatment & Management of Patients with COVID-19 Infection. These evidence-based rapid guidelines, updated in real-time, will address pressing clinical questions related to caring for patients w/ COVID-19: https://bit.ly/2y93qes  #COVID19Guidelines
Segun una serie de casos en Francia, publicada hoy en @NEJM #COVID19
Existen caracterisitcas neurologicas de encefelopatias en los pacientes postCOVID severos con SRAS. ¿causas; citokinas, COVI medicacion; (Midazolan, sufentanil; propofol) https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2008597
Algo positivo del "enemigo" (..o su defensa) Sin duda el #covid esta haciendo más promoción de actividad física y Deporte q nada/nadie....el paseo marítimo esta a tope de corredores, patinadores, ..(2 mayo 2020; 9:00 CET+2) Revueltas contra mal estilo de vida 🙏 @CatedraFisUMA
🇬🇧Pathological inflammation in patients with COVID-19: a key role for monocytes and macrophages http://dlvr.it/RW6KR 
🇪🇸Papel clave de los monocitos y macrofagos en la patologia inflamatoria en pacientes con COVID-19 @nature
Elective surgery after the pandemic: WAVES BEYOND THE HORIZON https://bjssjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/bjs.11688#.XrfDR9gHwBo.twitter by @juliomayol #SoMe4Surgery #COVID19 .....A mandatory read for 2nd line health staff (Comunity-based Physios) #WithoutDataAllAreGoodWishes
A clinically useful timeline of diagnostic markers for detection of COVID-19 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765837 Many questions remain, particularly how long potential immunity lasts in individuals, both asymptomatic and symptomatic, who are infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Primera Vacuna para "el enemigo" con resultados esperanzadores, aunque fiebre, cefaleas, ....y respuesta a 14 dias y defensa a 28. Ojo, no aletorizado, no seguimiento https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31208-3/fulltext
Machine learning tools selected three biomarkers that can predict the mortality of #COVID19 patients from blood samples from infected individuals, reports a paper published in @NatMachIntell. https://go.nature.com/2X5fkz3 
ECA frente a COVID a agosto20 vía @quequw #FF
Proporcionrs graficas covid19 #divulgandoConPrecision @sanidadgob
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