NCT Members as NSP Songs - a thread
Taeil - Why I Cry
Johnny - No Reason Boner
Taeyong - I Just Wanna Dance
Yuta - Attitude City
Kun - The Ultimate Sandwich
Doyoung - GFY
Ten - Unicorn Wizard
Jaehyun - Heart Boner
WinWin - Samurai Abstinence Patrol
Jungwoo - If We Were G** (Being nice to his searches)
Lucas - Cool Patrol
Mark - Rhinoceratops vs. Superpuma
Xiaojun - Dragon Slayer
Hendery - Dinosaur Laser Fight
Renjun - Puppies in Space
Jeno - Courtship of the Mermaid
Haechan - Eating Food in the Shower
Jaemin - Cookies
YangYang - Let's Get This Terrible Party Started
Chenle - Mansion Party
Jisung - Danny Don't You Know
Alternate choice for WinWin - I Don't Know What We're Talking About
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