Want helpful, real advice on what to do right now that is (where possible) based on science?
Well sit up and listen cos I'm about to get real fucking loud on this platform. I've got one and right now it's my responsibility to use it for the good of everyone.
1) if you are planning on getting essentials and medicines, DO NOT HOARD OR STOCKPILE. We need eachother to survive this, other species exile animals who do not show altruism or are selfish with their foods etc. Don't be a selfish cunt.
2) when you buy medicine, carefully consider what you're buying. Cough mixtures for the wrong kid of cough can cause more complications and can be dangerous. If you or a family member has coronavirus, AVOID NSAID'S like ibuprofen - france are warning they cause further issues.
Use paracetamol to bring a temperature down.
If you have diseases like Chrons or other autoimmune diseases, seek medical advice before stopping your medications. Doing so could be very dangerous and may cause further complications if you have/get coronavirus.
Try to get your prescriptions ordered online and delivered where possible going forward if you are an at risk person to coronavirus. If you have asthma/other respiratory problems keep your inhalers and meds with you at ALL TIMES and continue to take the prescribed dosage
If you have food that is going to go off soon, look online for ways to prepare and store it. More food than you think can be processed and stored at home in your cupboard, fridge or freezer. Now is not the time for food waste.
Ensure your phone lines if you have them are working. Ensure you have clean water. When buying essentials and meds, DO NOT splurge on items you have no actual need for. Fuck your vices, now is a great time to quit. Smoking? Cut down and quit.
That smoke is fucking you and the people you are around up. It's putting you all at further risk. Fuck the wine and beer. You don't need it - it will negatively affect your respiratory system and immune system. YOU ARE ENOUGH AS YOU ARE WITHOUT FAKE TAN AND OTHER INDULGENCES
Panicking? Doing something constructive will help quell that and be very useful. Start meditating daily. Mental and physical health are linked, so accept that and start making changes no matter how small to strengthen both - meditation helps immune system and stress.
Exercise indoors. Ensure you're getting fresh air by opening your windows or atleast the trickle vents on your windows (see picture below if you don't know what they are).

Clean your house. Ensure refuse is secure in your outside bin if you can.
Practice social distancing and where possible/if urgently necessary/already on lockdown (contact with sick people,/high risk/infected) self quarantine. DO NOT PISS OFF THE AUTHORITIES OR FLOUNT GOV REGULATIONS. Authorities are being given more power to deal with the crisis.
This has already been enforced in other countries and there are now videos of police forces removing people by force/arresting for breaking quarantine. I do not suggest you look for the videos on social media if you are easily triggered.
Try and stay in contact with family and friends. This helps keep morale and mental health stable and will help you all feel less lonely.

Avoid social media where possible or put a limit on your usage if you do not use it for work - misinfo and constant news updates cause panic
Antiviral foods and herbs help to slow replication of viruses inside your body. Make use of that info. AGAIN DO NOT STOCKPILE OR HOARD MORE THAN YOU NEED.

Order shopping online and expect delays for delivery.
CALM THE FUCK DOWN - the human body is capable of surviving more than you think. I speak from experience having survived more trauma than a highly qualified therapist with 25yrs experience had ever seen in a patient. Your mind and body are strong. Have a little faith in them.
It's unlikely that many people will have access to mental health services right now, so a few things that you can try:
Online CBT - most effective therapy for depression and anxiety. Also helps with certain other conditions and with overall positive thinking - use discression.
Creative outlets - writing, journaling, painting, crafting, collage, drawing,sculpture, music- anything creative can have a great positive effect on mood, thoughts and well being as well as helping with stress.
Its also a great distraction.
Educate yourself! Not just on the virus, on any topic you would like to. Learn a language, read that book you bought but didn't open. Expand your mind while you have time on your hands.
Avoid endlessly checking the news and being exposed to mass media all day. This is only gonna ramp up your stress levels and cause a spike in your cortisol. Not good for your immune system or mental health.
REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR RESPONSE TO THE SITUATION! I know things feel out of control right now. You CAN take control of your health and safety and wellbeing. You can influence and/or choose your perspective 🙂
THERE IS NO NEED TO OVER INDULGE - fixed mortgage rates issued by some banks in the UK have now INCREASED despite Bank of England dropping the interest rate to try and prevent economic crisis. If you have savings, hold on to them. Don't spend on what you don't need.
This doesn't mean to say you must meticulously guard every penny. If you want to rent a film, buy a video, download a game - no one is stopping you, just don't blow all your money, because you may well need it down the line.
If you're not taking this seriously, now is the time to. Italy have reported critical patients getting younger. Young people have died from this so lose the idea that only old people will die - it's false and dangerous.
If someone in your house is infected or has begun showing symptoms, wash bed linen, clothes and towels and any soiled items on the highest heat setting possible, use Antibac laundry cleanser where possible.
Wear gloves when handling items, wash hands and wrists thoroughly
And for fuck sake, don't forget to feed and water your animals. Ensure you clean up after them.
Sending my love to every single person out there, I wanna see you happy, alive and well or on the mend on the other side of this. You've got this! Tell the people you love, that you love them, remember to love yourself and be strong 💪🖤
I will add to this thread as and when I have more time and more useful info to share 🖤
Check and make sure everyone in your house knows where sanitary items, first aid supplies, medications, wound dressings, topical creams etc are. The emergency services may be difficult to reach and may not see you if you are not critical

BASIC FIRST AID: https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.wikihow.com/Do-Basic-First-Aid%3famp=1
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