Apparently I cope by HELPING. So, I may have had covid a couple weeks ago. I wanna talk about how I got through in case it's useful to you.
Why do I think I had covid? I could barely breathe. I had a temp. I was FREEZING. I felt as tho I'd been run over by a truck full of ice. Sitting up counted as exertion. I literally passed out from the effort of sitting up to eat. Coughing a lot. Not sneezing.
Now the thing of it is, everything that goes anywhere in this country comes through here. But people don't think about that. So I was hearing that the elderly all had the same thing I did, but nobody'd been anywhere, so they weren't testing. "It's just a bug."
So I knew if I went to the hospital, nothing would come of it. AND I'd expose myself to other maladies. So instead, I stayed home and tweeted a lot. You may have noticed. The thing is I COULD NOT get out of bed.
So I didn't try. I kept a quart of water and the family size box of 'quil by my bed, as well as some juice and donuts. All of that is gone now. I took as much quil as I could, drank EVERYTHING, and ate only what required no effort. And I slept. And slept. And freaking slept.
The main thing I really don't feel has been covered in the news at all is eating was really a giant problem. When my donuts were gone, I'd get hungry, figure out what sounded good, go to the kitchen, and be too exhasted to think about food.
I finally figured out that I needed to replenish a spoon before eating and just carried a green smoothie and a block of cheese back to bed so I could eat them... eventually.
So seriously I can't rec trail mix, pop tarts, cookies, and all manner of stuff I wouldn't usually consider "illness food" quite highly enough. I texted a friend and asked her to send snacks. Her husband is a genius and thought of stuff I hadn't.
Ginger ale, bananas, and a good trail mix were the best. I also got a mad craving for lemonade, so there's that.
Something I didn't figure out in time to prevent it is after like a week of this bs, I felt a different kind of bad. And then I figured it out. I hadn't been drinking any caffeine when I usually drink buckets. OH, HI, MIGRAINE! Might wanna get some soda or instant something.
The things I took for medicine: nyquil, dayquil, more albuterol than is strictly wise, and a candy from The Philippines called Jack&Jill Maxx, which has saved my hide more than once. You want these, I am serious. Eucaluptus flavor, if possible.
I wasn't able to THINK about showering. Who was there to care? So i changed my pjs a lot and just forgave my horribly stinky self.
Anyway there's my experience of riding it out at home. Nothing you probably couldn't have figured out beyond "you will be tired. Tireder than that. No seriously. So, SO tired. Food is a puzzle in need of solving. Stairs must be attempted with breaks.
Oh, something else to warn you about. Forgive the ableist language but there's just no better way to put it.

This illness made me stupid as hell. Reading? Following a show? Figuring out that I should call someone for help? Nope!
None of that was feasible. So make a plan now I guess so you don't have to brain later.
If this was helpful to you; I just missed 2.5 weeks of work and now it looks like I'm going to do it again as everybody distances. If you want to tip me, I'll not say no. If you're not secure? Keep it for you. 
It occurs to me that perhaps I should have been updating all along.

Feb. 25: I rapidly declined.

March 1: I started to be a little better. Could sit up. Could think.

Early-mid March my breathing was bullshit but I felt well enough for light work and exercise. But...
I was incorrect. I felt fine for walking but it tired me so much. I still am not really good past a mile and a half.

I have been massaging those in my quarantine closed circuit but it's really good that's 2 people.
I got my tastebuds back less than a week ago. I cannot tell you the relief.

I understand the lung damage. Sucks but makes sense.

My sense of taste going all absurd: NOW THAT'S JUST MEAN.
Anyway when I started this thread I thought I was "over it" but I have come to understand that I was not.

So if you get covid? Be kind to yourself, ok?
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