Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 2
Daytime (& part of night-time) spent working remotely, crisis management mode; great outcomes so far.
Spending time with a beautiful family; lined up some books to read, & documentaries to watch for days ahead.
Smooth sailing so far.
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 3
Lovely day spent oscillating between sprightlul & calm periods; discovered new 'tricks' on PowerPoint as 6-year daughter and I worked on some fun presentations; no signs of cabin fever yet..
(Re)reading the inimitable Tao Te Ching..
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 4
Smooth sailing, could actually grow accustomed to this; class session using tech-enhanced platform went really well, except for the tech part (thanks dawleh!); enjoyed the sunshine across the pages of the book I was reading on the balcony..
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 5
The weather changed dramatically today, ominous but only playfully so; it was oddly uplifting.. Did more writing than reading, although technically did both, reading as I wrote.. Impromptu make-shift Karaoke was the highlight of the day..
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 6
Strangest moment of the day: stepped outside the house.. I don't mean outside the door, I mean outside the house, very short dtive visiting family. The strangest part is how strange it felt.. Back home safe & sound, lock-down reinitiated..
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 8
Day 7 was absurd. Humorous, but absurd enough not to get an entry in the log.
Day 8? May be coming close to exiting denial, and entering next phase: anger. But anger directed at? Still unclear. Humanity? Polity? Hamourabi? Uncertainty...
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 9
An unnerving quietude ill at ease with the surrounding existence..
Saturni-dies are all but bereft of any echoes of a distant Saturnalis..
& "The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new.” (Murphy, Samuel Becket, 1938)
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown day 10
A metal chariot rode through the sky, telling us to stay home, & across the asphalt-paved roads hurried silence closely chased by emptiness..
Either that, or the lockdown is taking its toll on my perception of the surrounding existence..
Captain's log:
Domestic #LockDown Day 11
"Mother used to say that however miserable one is, there’s always something to be thankful for. And each morning, when the sky brightened and light began to flood my cell, I agreed with her."

Albert Camus, The Stranger 1946 (English tr.)
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 12
Feeling optimistic, & that's making me anxious..
Okay day overall: online classes went fine, some work, goofed around with 6-year old...
12 days down, n-12 to go.

& cue music: "Some things in life are bad.."
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 13
It was an official day off today, a public calendar holiday, & my infantile mind peaked with joy at the idea..! It decided to take most of the day off, gracing me with a mere morsal of a fleeting thought: "Reclaiming Private Space".
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 14
A fortnight of trying to grasp at the ordinary within the extraordinary..
Standing on the balcony this evening, looking out into the silence, the words of the ancient mariner echoed to my mind:
Water, water everwhere/Nor any drop to drink.
Painting: The Calm Shore, by the late Lebanese painter & sculptor Aref El Rayess
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 15
It's Friday. Not that it matters. The days seem to have lost their names, & all that remains is the counting of them.
As my mind races back to Fridays of yore, I sit wondering which label has become more apt: cubism or surrealism?
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 16
1st day in all my life that I experience what I can only describe as a panic attack: I needed to go to an ATM. Punching in the PIN & amount was harrowing! 1st machine was out; palpitatioms.. 2nd ATM: Tremors. Out. 3rd: Panic. Done. Home.
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 17
Spent most of the day reflecting back on the previous (pre-lockdown) everydayness, the varied little & large details of that average averageness, reflecting forth into the newly found everydayness spent away from our average everydays..
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 18
Hypnos' visits are becoming irregular.. As he stumbled home tonight, I heard him mumbling something about Pandora's box. Outside, I could hear the Moirae spinning & measuring the threads, but Atropos was much quiter than her usual self..
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 19
The days have grown different, the nights growing indifferent; "different" itself is different.. Today was interjected by a number of post-lockdown daydreams, nowhere as ambitions as pre-lockdown ones.. I realized I miss driving to work.
[Painting: Salvador Dalí, "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking", 1944]
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 20
For the first time since the morn of March 14, I feel caught up. On so many notes, the past 20 days I've felt like a shadow running to catch up with its owner who was headed sunwise.. Today gave me zenith, i think I finally caught up.
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 22
Day 21 was fleeting; productive, but fleeting.
Day 22: Not as productive, thankfully. A day of much needed down-time, mindful breathing, conscious distraction, temporary suspension of disbelief...
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 23
Today felt like a Sunday; refreshing, since it was in fact a Sunday. Spent the day doing what I would have done in the pre-lockdown epoch: not much. Felt almost usual, if one ignores the fact that there's nothing usual about these days..
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 24
Monday. The start of another week that seamlessly moved from weekend to weekdays and on and forth.. No change in scenery; no sign of the horizon.. Cabin fever still at bay. Will not get used to this..
"All's well that ends well."
Captain's log
Domestic #LockDown day 25
Today I made a personal discovery: Fernando Pessoa.
His words struck a chord:
"Isolation has carved me in its image and likeness [...]
Freedom is the possibility of isolation."
(The Book of Disquiet)
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