I have a very close friend who’s a researcher studying public health at a major NGO, and he told me that this was THE week to practice as much social distancing as possible, even if you don’t have to go to work.

I asked him to explain why. Sharing his answers w/ permission (1/x)
But eventually we can’t do this forever. So, friend, when can we start trying to socialize? (6/x)
Incidentally, this is the friend who’s been texting our group chat organizing game nights and calling during brunch, so he’s a lifesaver in more ways than one (10/x)
(12/x) (does it count if it’s someone else’s tweet) https://twitter.com/alicegoldfuss/status/1238890006803955712?s=20
. @GarrettHaake posed a super good question in a response, and I asked about that: (13/x)
(14/x) Apparently this thread is blowing up, so he's urging everyone to read this article from Harvard University's Asaf Bitton that goes even more in depth than these screenshots can.

I'm gonna keep dropping this in here at various points too. https://medium.com/@ariadnelabs/social-distancing-this-is-not-a-snow-day-ac21d7fa78b4
(15/x) While you're at it, follow @Asaf_Bitton on Twitter too!
(16/end) Well, this thing is going...viral. 🤷‍♀️Signing off for the night and about to have a FaceTime G+T with some friends.

TL; DR: This is not COVID-cation! Practice social distancing, stay connected with people, and have a legitimate reason to hate brunch forever.
Uh, good morning, all you new people who picked up this thread! In addition to Dr. Bitton's article above, this collection of articles is great for further reading and understanding of what the heck is going on and what to do in the upcoming few weeks:

Also this, which illustrates how social distancing versus insane forced Hubei Province-style quarantines work. TLDR, it's easier to fight the spread of coronavirus by NOT PARTYING AND STAYING HOME than it is for a government to shut down your borders. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/
Also getting a lot of good points that social distancing is gonna be hard to pull off for people whose bosses aren't letting them work from home, have critical job functions, or simply can't afford to do so. It's a horrible problem that needs to be resolved! And it's also...
...a good reason for people who *can* afford to do so, to *actually commit* to doing so. Don't be a dick and put other people at risk just because you can afford to get better.

(and again, brunch sucks anyways)
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