Rule by judges shielding elites from the people: the fringe right sometimes calls this “Kritrachy”
Lol no comment 🤔
Brilliant skewering of activists- rich missionaries amongst the ignorant natives, supported by systems as bad as or worse than the ones they decry
Irish cameo- doesn’t mention that we enabled our own disenfranchisement and deserve everything we get
Two political spectrums. This is helpful
Democrats think trade agreements have been good for America
Lind is a great writer. This is a cutting definition of political correctness
Another great section, on the structural flaws and inherent tensions in populist movements
This is his solution to the problem of populism vs technocracy. the technocrats design the game and the let you play it. Yeah, no
Cotd. The flaw in this argument is that what constituted variety and a tolerable level of group difference in the 50s is totally different to what we see now
And again- can you spot the problem?
Russiagate, and similar fake scares “provide an excuse to increase monopoly on media power by freezing out political challengers”. Lots of that in the Irish media too
Russiagate as a bad thriller
The terrifying extent Russia’s international shitposting operation
Interesting side note- low support for removing confederate statues circa cville
How academia collaborates with the media in pathologising non-liberal mindsets
“The purpose of describing politics in this way is to medicalise it, and to treat dissent from orthodoxy as evidence of mental and emotional disorders”
“Palliative Liberalism”- attempts addressing inequality without allowing workers countervailing power
Having elections doesn’t make you a democracy if important factions, like the non-college educated, don’t have a seat at the table (I disagree with what he says here btw)
As opposed to the manager or yesteryear, the boss of today “peruses the working class after the workday has ended”
He either doesn’t care or has Misdiagnosed the nature of the problem- if you think putting a few Mullahs on TV editorial teams will forestall the next Salvini or Brexit, you’re insane
“(Cultural & economic) compromises among communities can only occur within the boundaries of a political community with a fixed membership” ie a nation, with borders
Globalism, sovereignty and national unity- pick 2
I regret to inform you the libertarians are at it again
Done. thoughts: semi-recommended. The territory is over-familiar and I completely disagree with his prescriptions, however he’s a great line-to-line writer and at least has the balls to make specific recommendations rather than just sounding off
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