1. Here's some reasons why I do: 1. Obama bought China's crap steel that was used in our military aircraft and electronic parts that have cause military planes and helicopters to crash, forcing the closing of our US steel plants. Trump has regenerated our steel companies at home https://twitter.com/WereldPijnCafe/status/1238742929063260160
2. putting our unemployed steel workers back to work. Our steel companies produce the best steel in the world! 2. He just signed an Executive Order to stop our pharmaceutical imports from China, to now be sourced internally and to other countries so no crisis can prevent
3. our American citizens from getting the drugs they need. Outsourcing many of our most commonly used meds only to China was another Obama criminal intent. 3. Trump is now working on dropping the finance charges on Student Loans. These kids are graduating college with their
4. degrees in hand...no job but still forced to pay those finance charges. Our graduating kids are our country's future. But those student loans have their futures crippled on graduation. 4. Trump is now working on getting the Federal Income Tax greatly reduced on worker's
5. paychecks, giving them more spendable income, with the end goal of eliminating that Federal tax entirely. The Banking cartel has been robbing the American workers for DECADES!!! Trump is in the process of changing that. 5. Trump refused the US taking part in the Paris Climate
6. Accord which is a TAX on the Taxpayers for a fraudulent initiative (that tax goes directly to the Banking Cartel). Global warming is a fraud! One has to just check history. It was only around the mid-60's that scientists said we were entering an ice age. Well...how did we go
7. from an "ICE AGE" with NO ICE to now Global Warming??? Thankfully, Trump's team are very bright people. This really pisses off the Deep State. 6. Trump is snubbing our noses at the World Trade Organization...a Rothschild construct designed to control WHERE OUR FOOD IS
8. is distributed and other products. Trump doesn't want any organization telling America where the food we grow will go or the products we make will go. We grew it...we made it...WE will decide where it all goes, not some Rothschild outside organization making that call.
9. 7. Trump is doing what he can to END the Federal Reserve Bank that has robbed the American people of their wealth from their hard-earned labors for decades...since the Fed was enacted in 1913. Not an easy task since the CIA and parts of the Pentagon is their military arm
10. to protect them. This has probably been Trump's biggest battle, but so far, he's winning and he's winning it for the AMERICAN PEOPLE! 8. Trump has had to clean out our Federal Judicial system by firing and hiring over 191 Federal Judges that have taken an oath to adhere
11. to our US Constitution, following CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Our Judicial system is still very corrupt but Trump's taking them on one at a time. One needs to be cognizant that this infiltration of Communism has been going on for DECADES and cannot be cleaned out in 4 years.
12. 9. Trump, in his first year got rid of over 50 corrupt Congressmen that either immediately resigned (like Senator McCain) or were allowed to finish out their term like Rep. Paul Ryan & many others who were mostly GOP! 10. Trump is working on cheaper drug prices for our
13. citizens who many are foregoing food to be able to pay for their meds. Especially the elderly, some of whom are eating dog or cat food because they can't afford to pay for human food and their meds! 11. Trump is now the first President that's actually taking care of our
14. wounded veterans. They're getting the medical care they need. They've been given permission to seek out their own doctors for help (with the govt paying the bill), not relying on the Veterans Admin to schedule them an appointment in a timely manner. Many veterans had to
15. wait MONTHS, even a YEAR before they could get an appointment, only to have that appointment cancelled at the last minute. Leaving our veterans with no medical treatment, at all, for their war injuries. Trump has stopped that very bad treatment of our vets.
16. Maybe NOW you can see why I will vote for Trump this November. He's done MORE for my country than any President ever has in our history as a country and he's not done. Yes, he has some warts...but don't we all? My country was headed for the đź’©er, INTENTIONALLY by our last
17. number of Presidents. Trump is using a powerful bowl cleaner to get us out of that. That bowl cleaner is his love for his country and a rod of steel up his spine. Definitely, I'm for Trump for the next 4 years:)
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