Hey Twitter,

Looking for enrichment activities while schools are shut down?

These companies are offering free subscriptions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t3r618pd8MAi6V87dG2D66PtiKoHdHusBpjPKXgm36w/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0
Kahoot is a major hit. Tinker does some great coding. BrainPops are 3:00 vids....
Typing Club is a freemium site but their free stuff is excellent. http://Www.typingclub.com 

ROCKS for littles. Especially those working on phonics, etc.
@conductress, what grade level do you teach?
@DearDean22 this is what I have for now. I’ll be working on it through the weekend and Monday as I pull stuff for my own class.
http://Www.coolmath.com  is, despite the name, very oriented towards games. That said, the games are appropriate for elementary and middle schoolers.
http://www.prodigy.com  is basically a math rpg. Free and engaging for kids.

This is a start.
You can follow @AlexDanvers2017.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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